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Different Day, Same Shit

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2010 @ 11:17pm by Darek Halsey & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deep Space 6
Timeline: 20 Minutes After Docking of USS Arizona

Trying to gain access to the restricted command deck of a Stardock class Starbase as a civilian, and one that had a few warrants on his aliased head was never a smart idea. Even for an armed Starfleet Intelligence veteran of 18 years and Lieutenant Commander to boot.

Raising a weapon, looking as he did would only warrant a fire fight and one that he probably wouldn't win. So Darek looked back to the two Security Officers, deciding whether to run while the two picked their jaws up off the floor because they'd just caught a man who was number 8 on the Starfleet Investigative Services' wanted list. Or announce himself, blow his cover and try and not get thrown in a brig, again.

So slowly, ever so slowly Darek took a small step back, then another and so forth till he felt the tip of a phaser pressed into his spine and a rough grip on his shoulder. "Where do you think you're going? A freighter on fire? An open sale at a Ferengi bar? Stay a while, and join us..need I say it isn't a request," a voice, thick with an Irish brogue belonging to a hardened MP officer said from behind the man.

"I was actually thinking more along the lines of anywhere that wasn't here, Senior Chief," Darek replied, releasing the tension in his muscles as the was no getting away from the old Irish MP. He looked back up to the pair of MP's who'd spotted him first. "I almost got away again, but you boys stopped me, you should be proud." He said with a wide sarcastic smile and a wink.

"My, my, you've put a damper on the afternoon... it didn't matter anyways. I was slated to play a round of poker with the computer. It'll have to wait, thank you for making that a reality. Now why would you want to leave our fine company? Are we not to your liking? I'll ask you, where would you rather spend it this time? In the brig, your favorite cell near the drunk Bolian, or one near the Nausicaan that smells like burned corned beef'n'cabbage?" the MP asked.

"Oh come on Senior, why not just put me with that Klingon man the one who always keeps me so amused and your boys on their toes!?" Darek inquired with sarcasm, till the Senior Chief gave him a nice rough shake, "Okay, okay Senior give it a rest, the Bolian will be fine..." He replied head sagging.

"That's a good lad. Maybe I'll be of the mind to tell the chef to bring you some steak and potatoes this time, for your good behavior? Come along then," the Senior Chief said, before escorting Darek to the security deck. "For a man with a warrant on your head, you're awfully careless... or you've got ball bearings."

"I'll take my phone call and then the steak and potatoes, oh and id like to say it's more bearings than carelessness Senior." He chuckled halfheartedly as he was processed, Darek was just waiting for the bio-scan to come back with his actually SF: Intelligence file and photo. But if things went as they usually did, his cover ID would show up.

"Stand right there... Crewman, make sure our guest here doesn't get any bright ideas," he said, directing a crewman to make sure Darek remained in the security wing. "Computers, wonderful machines when they work right," as he processed the man. "Crewman, get Mr. Darek is comm-link and let the chef know to prepare steak and potatoes for the man,"

"I'm not going anywhere yet Senior, my suite ain't ready yet!"Darek replied happily, knowing that the Senior Chief was one of the few people on the Station who really knew who he was. "Thanks Senior, your a gentlemen and a scholar if not a royal pain in my non Irish arse!" He replied as the young security officer handed him a com-link and pointed him towards a secure room.

"You're always a blessing to deal with or as long as it takes for my boot to connect with your arse," the Senior Chief replied, with a smile. "Oh my...Jimmy, didn't I tell you to keep the dogs that Ferengi was attempting to sell for food earlier out of the processing station! They left little warm mounds of polish for me to step in..." the Senior Chief began, having first smelled a noxious odor before looking down at his boots.

Bowing slightly at the waist and chuckling Darek actived the comm-link. "Direct to USS Arizona, one Captain Nathan Cowell, MD..."

=Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell had JUST managed to find that comfortable spot on the sofa they had put in his office when the panel at his desk started screaming its artificial brains out. With more than a little resignation, the elder officer pulled himself off the furniture and flopped angrily into the chair.

"What, confound it! Don't you people know when a man's taking a nap?!" the old Doctor grumbled as the communication protocol was initiated, "And who in the name of all that is right in the world do you think yourself to be? Not more important than my nap, I hope..."

"Well Captain, unless your nap can provide you with current up to date intelligence on your new Area of Operation, I'd say that I'm slightly more important..." He replied dryly.

"The name is Darek Dominico Halsey, Lieutenant Commander. Starfleet Intelligence and your new Chief Intelligence Officer, and Sir I need your help with a predicament I currently find myself in." He offered up to the man on the other end of the line.

The image on the Captain's face on the monitor frowned in displeasure, "Let me guess, you were 'gathering data' in a place you shouldn't have and you need me to come get you. Have I got this about right?"

"Almost but I can't give you that cigar." Darek replied with a grin. "No Sir, I received a call back order two days ago to return to Deep Space 6 to transfer to your command. After making a clean extraction from Romulan Star Empire space, I arrived here and forgot I was still using and appearing as my alias. I tried to gain access to the command deck of DS6 where I was stopped and thrown into the brig for being the highly sought after criminal I am." He added with an ever increasing grin.

"Long story short, I can't just tell them who I am and walk. If I do so, it will destroy one of the best aliases I have and ruin a number of active operations currently ongoing in SF:I. I need you, Sir, to transfer me to the Arizona as if it were part of my processing, handling, and eventually prosecution and incarceration."

Doc Cowell sighed, "Fine, give me some time and I'll get some strings pulled for you. But you're going to owe me right off the bat, kid. Not a good position to be in with my long memory..."

"Great, never mind. I'll stay in the brig..." Darek replied cold and sarcastically. "I owe you Sir, and wait with baited breath for your string pulling to take effect."

"You do that... Doc out..." the man said, closing off the link.

=Five Minutes Later, Brig Area, Deep Space 6=

Captain Cowell, followed closely by several heavily armed and rather swollen Security Officers, walked into the Brig Control area like they owned the thing.

"Begging your pardon, Captain, but you can't just stroll in here with a pack of phaser wielding men..." the officer in charge said, getting up from his station.

"Yes, I can... and wouldn't you know it, boyo... I did. Now hand over your prisoner, Mister Darek," the old man barked.

"On who's authority?" the Ensign demanded.

"Admiral Marsdon," Cowell said, tossing a PADD at the man before motioning for his own Security Officers to move out, "And if you keep flappin' your lips, I'll personally bust it wide open for you."

One of his security officer found their target, "Sir, this is him."

"Bring him," the Captain ordered.

The force field snapped off and the man yanked Darek practically out of his pants, shoving him forward in true prisoner movement fashion. When the group cleared the Brig and was well out of earshot, Cowell turned to his men and waved them off.

"How's that? Fast enough for you, boy?" the Captain said in a gruff tone.

Personally Darek was quite pleased with being released from the brig, but the Captain's attitude was starting to rub him the wrong way especially if he was going to have to serve under the man. "Faster than the last hot extraction I went through." He said flippantly, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. "Permission to speak freely Captain?"

"If you want to complain about how I do business five seconds after you meet me, then no. I have heard every complaint about my people skills since World War II. I like results, I like people that get results. If you want some overly friendly, loves everyone and panders to their needs CO, you'd best call the detailer's office and beg for a transfer off my ship. If you prefer to have the backing of a CO that only asks you to do your job and learn to take things in stride, then by all means, boy, tell me how you feel when you feel it. I'm just too damn old to listen to people cry about hurt feelings. That sound good to you?" the Captain said, preempting a conversation he had heard too often before.

Darek took that as a yes, "Actually Captain, despite being a bit, and bit being an understatement, a bit rough around the edges, thank you for getting me released and I don't mind results either, just no need to be gruff Sir. I respect the chain of command and the like of getting things done, done right, and done quickly. I did not mean to press any buttons if I have, not my intention. I was just keeping something that may come to help not only myself, but the crew and her Captain." And he stopped dead in his tracks realizing he sounded like a kiss ass 4th year cadet. "Sorry not trying to kiss ass Sir. And did you say World War II?"

"Yes... I just turned six hundred and five not too long ago. I have served in the Union Army in the Civil War, and the United States Army in World War I, II, and the Korean War before I finally got sock of getting shot. As for my being rough around the edges... Well... My last crew took to laughing at my bad mood. I don't recommend you try laughing in my face, but once I leave the room you can do as you like. That settle your mind any?" Doc Cowell explained.

"No Sir, I don't take to laughing at my commanding officers, unless of course it is well worth it. And bad moods don't fall into that category, jokes, and other wise yes. But not that sir." Darek explained, "I'm not after being your friend Sir, but I won't treat you like shit to your face or behind your back."

"You sure do like sucking up, don't you? Tell you what, you just keep your ass out of the brig from now on and I won't be as grouchy around you in private. Sound good?" Doc Cowell didn't give the man time to reply, "Go fix your face and get into uniform. If there isn't a doctor in sickbay who can do the procedure, call me and I will take care of it. Otherwise you have until tomorrow to stow your gear and report to the bridge. See you then..."

With that he turned and headed back toward the docking gangway that would take him back to the Arizona.

'No,' Darek thought, 'I just like to keep things real...' With that he followed the Captain for the ship, the procedure to 'fix' his face was an easy one, one that he could do on his own. As for his gear, from what the report had said, was that it was already stowed aboard just as he prefered it. Pausing to offer his thumb print at the gangway, "Well this looks like it will be an interesting cruise," He said suddenly to the officer of the watch, "One where I stay outa the Captain's hair..." And with that Darek boarded the USS Arizona.


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