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It's That Time Again

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 6:32pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Following 'The Final Shuffle'

Ugh... it was that time of year again much to Xylia's dismay. She gave the good Doctor her word she would get this taken care of before she left earlier on, but she got a call from the Commodore that took precedence. How Doctor Maliya would feel about that, she wasn't sure, but hopefully she would be given the chance to explain. She was actually a little upset with herself for having to bail out, but the circumstances were beyond her control. Keeping her word was important, but this time, there was no way she could ignore her CO's call.

"Doctor Maliya... I'm back for the ever dreaded physical." The Lieutenant called out, moving further into the area.

Maliya stepped out of the patient shower area pulling a teal overcoat over her turtleneck+vest version of the uniform. "Don't sweat it, Ms.Lischka though I'm Doctor Torrna...we Bajorans have the family name first, then the individual name." she explained with practiced ease. "Just so long as you returned before I went hunting for you, I don't really care about specific timings." she threw the young woman a smile. "Hop on the bed?"

"I'll have to remember that. And when Xishaal is out, I'm holding you to the three of us having drinks." Xylia stated as she hopped onto the bed. She had been dreading this particular event for the last six months. Granted, there wasn't anything there for the Doctor to find. Probably not even the traces of surgery she'd undergone recently after their battle with the Romulans, but Torrna was experienced and knew exactly what to look for, so anything was possible.

Maliya pulled up Xylia's file on the wall pannel and fished out a tricorder and began calibrating it. "Don't worry, I don't bail on booze." she grinned and winked at the German woman, "So, standard questions, any illnesses, injuries, other maladies or interspecies intercourse you've had since your last physical?"

It amused Maliya to no end how most people jumped when she asked them the interspecies sex question. Why were they so shy about it? She wasn't going to spread it around. She needed to know, to make sure to look for any trouble and catch it in time if there was any. Not all species were capable of having sex between different species. For example if a Human and a Bolian wanted to get it on, they'd have to prepare extensively....else the Human be left dizzy, sick and with a fever. She looked up at the woman's eyes briefly as she began scanning her.

"Let's see... no illnesses, but I was injured some time back and had to have emergency surgery to repair the damage. That's about the extent of it. As far as sex with other species, that's an affirmative." Lischka responded. She didn't feel at all awkward about the question or giving an answer for the simple reason that Torrna was a Doctor. There was the whole doctor/patient confidentiality thing in place. "A Trill."

Maliya nodded and tapped at her tricorder to adjust the scanning parameters. So it WAS true? Spotty and Lischka? Lischka seemed like a nice girl, with a good head on her shoulders. And truth be told she could have done worse than Spotty.

"Do you need a prophylaxis shot?" she asked, having to ask, having been given an affirmative answer.

"Perhaps... if I knew what one was." Xylia stated. She wasn't even going to pretend for know all the medical terminology that was being tossed her way, and without asking questions, how would she ever know the answers.

Maliya looked up, her blue eyes holding her surprise. But then she though, 'Hey, I don't get what most of the engineers say most of the time'.

"Birth control." she said, fully unaware of Xylia's private life status.

Xylia's mouth fell open as realization dawned on her. "Well, now I feel like an idiot. It's been a while since I've had one, just before I came on board here, actually. I'd be more than willing to get another one. Stab away." Of course, she knew there wasn't going to be any actual stabbing involved, but she read up on the way medicines were distributed in the past. Barbaric, torturous people they were. "You can never be too careful and all that."

"I know what you mean, I'll sooner remember than than not to skip meals." Maliya said, "I'll give you a Hypo once I'm finished." with that said she resumed scanning the woman, "About that injury...what happened?"

Along with being curious, she also wanted to be in the loop. You never knew what seeming trivial data could help you when you're treating someone.

"Where to start... I'm sure you already know about the Arizona's ability to split into three separate vessels, so I'll spare you all of that." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was definitely not something she wanted to ever relive or recall, and here she was doing both. "It was complete hell. We were sent to the Gavarian Corridor to check out some issues there and found that ships were being looted for their parts and cargo. We didn't really make it out unscathed. They tore us up. Romulans. I hate the bastards more than anything in the world." Xylia closed her eyes and tries to take a calming breath. "The Commodore gave the order to split the ship to give us a better chance against them. I was in the middle section. Took hit after hit until they were all finally wiped out. When we brought the ship back together as a whole, I gathered a team and went on a search for the injured and dead. I think I might have made it a few decks before I passed out. When I woke up, I was in sickbay. Shrapnel sliced through my stomach, right here..." She indicated to the area on the right just under her ribs. "It did some pretty serious damage to my liver."

Maliya ran the enhancer probe over that area. "No problems with that since?" she asked, indicating towards the formerly injured spot.

"None. The Commodore, well, Captain at the time, did a fantastic job patching me up. There isn't even a scar which was surprising. Oh, and back in my rebellious teenage years, I stole a motorcycle (or the 24th century equivalent of one) and wiped out. There are a few scars on my neck from that. No pain there, either." Xylia said.

Maliya scanned those over just in case. "Alright, you check out. You're a healthy woman, Ms Lischka." she smiled as she deposited the tricorder on the instrument tray and picked among the vials available. "So, what are we drinking?" she asked while she adjusted the dosages after popping a vial into a Hypo container.

"Whatever doesn't drink us first. Perhaps we should get all the women on the ship together and drink until we can't anymore. Wouldn't that scare the men?" Xylia laughed. The sound was so foreign to her own ears that it took a second to register that it was indeed coming from herself.

Maliya laughed along, "You're right, it would be an event of epic proportions." she said as she pressed the hypospray against Xylia's neck. "There you go. As far as I'm concerned, I'm done with you till the next physical or Prophets forbid anything stupid or dangerous. And as for the drink, let me know when and where and I'll be there. It will be an event of epic proportions." she winked cheekily. "Idrani isn't too much of a prude is she? It's not a girls night out if we don't talk about men, sex and the like." she asked suddenly.

"She's starting to come out of her shell a bit. And there will definitely be talk about men, sex and whatever else we feel the need to talk about." Lischka said with a grin.

Maliya chuckled, "Alright then. I'll see you then. Now get out of here before I invent a disease that doesn't exist to keep you here for lack of an intelligent conversation."

Xylia slipped off of the bed and smoothed her hands over her clothes. "I'll let you know when we're all going to get together. I want to make sure Xishaal's recovered enough. Thank you, Doctor." With that, the Lieutenant headed out of sickbay and back into the corridors of the Beast.


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