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The Big Cheese

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2011 @ 3:38pm by Lieutenant JG Ryan Rose & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Following

First Lieutenant Ryan Rose entered the Security Office. When he first arrived aboard he had found the department in the 'capable hands' of Lieutenant Chet Mc Chet. Some twenty four hours after the return of the away team he had been summoned.

Lieutenant Xylia Lischka stood in the middle of her new office. The decor was sparse and not exactly up to par with anyone's taste, but she could remedy that soon enough, and when she found the time. As of the moment, she was the only one in the entire department, having given most of the men and women under her a chance to relax until their next orders came through. She had a feeling those would be coming sooner rather than later, but for now, there were some new members of her team she needed to acquaint herself with before she could do anything else. And that's when she tapped her commbadge and summoned one First Lieutenant Ryan Rose to the Security Office.

Ryan moved through the outer office, noticing the empty desks and the walkway that led to the empty brig. Arriving at the Chief's Office he pressed the door chime and waited. Upon being summoned he entered the room and approached the desk. A human woman, roughly of his height, sat behind a large desk. Beautiful and unusually young to have made full Lieutenant.

"Sir." Ryan began, "First Lieutenant Ryan Rose reporting for duty, sir." The hall marks of Yorkshire and Starfleet Marine Corps were almost tangible in his voice.

Xylia looked up at the man who entered her office and got to her feet. "It's a pleasure Lieutenant Rose. I'm Lieutenant Xylia Lischka, the new Chief of Security. The Colonel has moved up in the ranks and is now the ships new XO, though I have no doubt you'll meet her someplace on the ship." The woman stated. "There was a name I didn't recognize on the roster, and thought it was time to get acquainted. I apologize for not doing it sooner. I was on the away mission and otherwise detained." Was that a twitch she felt at the corner of her eye?

Ryan regarded his new department head, one female commanding officer had been changed for another. Although when he believed his department head was a Marine Officer, he had created a level of mental familiarly; that had just be flushed away. Regardless, he was certain she had just winked at him "Yes sir." He replied blandly. "Otherwise detained sir?"

Lischka moved back behind her desk and took a seat. The situation on Archadia III still annoyed her to no end despite having been rescued some time ago. "There was a mix up, and though I'm sure we're going to be moving on very soon, I have no doubt that we'll be dealing with that again. Once the orders come through from Command, and we're briefed, I'll be holding a Security staff meeting to fill everyone in at one time. It makes it easier that way."

"Understood sir." He paused, "Lieutenant McChet showed me the ropes while you were away." Truthfully, Ryan knew where the small arms locker was and how to use the tactical console on the bridge. That was probably enough. "Any orders in the mean time sir?"

"Right now, relax. I have a feeling we're going to be running ourselves ragged in the not so distant future." Xylia replied. "As for McChet... he means well, but keep a watchful eye on him. If you let your guard down around him, expect to be covered in cheese."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "Cheese..."

"Ah, you must not have had an in depth conversation with him. McChet is... special. He has a creepy obsession with cheese, but on the flip side, he's gets the job done. He's definitely a welcome addition." The Lieutenant stated. "Next time you see him, be sure to talk to him outside of the job. You'll find it to be very... stimulating."

"Ohhh," replied Ryan, "I told him I was lactose intolerant when he mentioned it. Sort of made him drop the subject." He smiled slyly at the Chief.

Xylia laughed. "Smart. I do believe you'll fit in rather well, Lieutenant. Welcome aboard the Arizona."


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