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The Beginning of an Ugly Relationship

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2011 @ 4:00pm by Major Jake Harper & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Deck 7 - Holodeck 2
Timeline: Following 'The Big Cheese'

"Computer begin program Harper-Alpha-Four..." Jake said aloud, standing outside of Holodeck Two, wearing his orbital sky diving equipment. There had been a lull in the retrofitting of the 1077's new facilities, something about replicating the proper metals to line the interior of their holo-training facility. The Major still hadn't officially unpacked his things, so his quarters resembled much to what people could call a hell whole of cargo containers. He was on duty in three hours, so that left alcohol out of the question. Leaving one other thing: adrenaline.

"Unable to comply. Holodeck Two is currently in use."

"Son of a bitch..." Harper cursed out loud. He hadn't been stationed on a starship with holodeck facilities in sometime, but last he checked there was still some sort of etiquette and respect for someone who actually reserved a timeslot. His fingers went to work on the panel to the left of the heavy doors, causing them to part open moments later.

"Who the hell is poaching my holodeck time?!" He roared.

"Computer, end program." Xylia said, the moment she heard the unhappy sounding voice bellow from the doorway. The SWAT style program she was currently partaking in faded away around her, leaving her standing there in her civilian clothing. She looked just as annoyed as he sounded. Narrowing her eyes, she sized up the rather large man before her. "And just who the hell are you?"

Jake tossed his helmet to the ground. "Major Jake Harper, 1077th Marine Expeditionary Unit... I'm not only the one who keeps this ship out of harms way, but I'm also the one who's scheduled to use this holodeck. And who might you be girlie?"

"Lieutenant Xylia Lischka, Chief of Security, that's who I am, boy." If he wanted to throw stones, she would throw them right back. As she spoke each word, her accent thickened a bit more, making her annoyance with the situation clear. "When I checked, there wasn't anything scheduled for this time slot. Had there been, I never would have come in here."

Harper grinned, full well knowing to whom she was. After speaking with Stace, and finding out he wouldn't be working with her at the helm of the Security Department, Jake took the time to find out exactly whom he would be working along side. His act wasn't doing much for Marine relations, but even he had to have a little fun.

"Fair enough, I'll leave you to your training. From what I've heard Lieutenant, you need it." The Major turned on heel, and started for the door. full well waiting for the response that was coming.

And so the Jarhead baited her. Xylia balled her fists at her sides and narrowed her hazel colored eyes to slits. "What did you say?"

The Major didn't flinch or turn to address her, he actually smiled as he ran his right hand over his bald hear. He was actually amused. It was like poking his eyeball at the dinner table while his sister wailed relentlessly. Of course, she wasn't his sister. "Oh nothing. Just that needed the practice. 20th Century Special Weapons and Tactics are a little out dated, but nonetheless are a wonderful training exercise for novices. Carry on Lieutenant."

"For your information, this wasn't a training exercise. This was for FUN, something I'm sure you wouldn't know about if it came up and bit you on your ass." The German woman spat. Within seconds of meeting this guy she wanted to kick him, and now they were supposed to work together. In a past life, she must have pissed in someones Wheaties, because now, the Fates were messing with her.

The Marine kept walking towards the door, where he knelt down grabbed his discarded helmet. He was half tempted to push things further, knowing exactly how these type of women ticked, for the most part. "Fun? I know enough about it to tell you your sense of it is too much like your day job."

Harper stopped, as the doors opened for him the exit. "I'm sure there's a program in the database that has to do with love and shopping and... stuff. Look forward to working with ya." He grinned again, and his laugh bellowed in the hallway.

Oh, hell no. There was absolutely no way she was going to let him get away with talking to her like that. Xylia walked out the door only a second after him, not even giving the doors a chance to close after his departure. She moved after him, then past him, stopping directly in the path he would have to take. "Who the hell do you think you are? Coming here acting all holier than thou? You don't know the first thing about me, so before you go slinging assumptions, maybe you should use that head of yours for something other than vacant space." She didn't want to hurl insults with the guy anymore, but he was making it impossible. Assuming things about her, making cracks. There was no way she was going to back down. She didn't back down from the Commodore, and this time would be no different.

"Hmph. The Colonel was right, you'll do just fine.." Harper appreciated her flare for a moment, before producing a wirery grin. She reminded him of LS, but he was sure it was for more than just the accent. Still, he had no intentions of apologizing or letting up, but for now he was done.

"Twas fun, girlie.." He said in a horrible attempt at a German accent as he side stepped her.

The fact that he was walking away did nothing to calm her fiery temper, but she didn't want to spend another second more wasting time on Harper. She was required to work with him, due to circumstance, but chances were she would avoid him at all costs when the duty clock wound down. Oh yes, this was going to be the beginning of an ugly relationship indeed.


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