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Time for a Physical

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 1:57pm by Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral & Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After 'Meeting the new Counselor'

Lt. Ral knew it was coming, weather he liked it or not. But, he would rather get it done and over with before too long because he knew that he would be just be delaying it longer. Even though he had gotten a physical about a month before he transferred to the Arizona, he knew that everyone had to get a new physical when they transferred to another ship. So, after meeting Commodore Cowell, he headed down to sickbay and walked in and asked the Nurse where he could find one of the doctors on call and she pointed into the Doctor's office.

Reittan walked over to the office and knocked on the side of the wall. After doing that, he said, "Lt. Ral reporting for a physical. I just transferred to the Arizona and came aboard when the ship docked at Starbase 900, so I haven't had the chance to get one quite yet."

Maliya who had been quietly arguing with the replicator as she was trying to program a new recipe in turned around. She stopped short for a moment when she noticed the color of his uniform and more importantly the blackness of his eyes. A part of her almost laughed, how weird would it be if her was in medical? Him and Callai....not to mention Serran, she'd go stark raving mad with all the telepaths around. She was walso very much aware he may be reading her, and she was absolutely fine with it, to the point of not caring. She knew she couldn't escape it, so she'd made her peace with it. Plus it was not like she had things to hide, and nothing she wouldn't speak aloud.

"Hi...Doctor Torrna, Mistress of the Dungeons...gimme a second, I've almost got this." she flashed him a grin then turned back to the replicator, "I've almost got this bastard to make good Jumja tea...I do not want the opportunity to escape. So Lieutenant, which department you in?"

Ral flashed a grin and said, "Counseling. I'm the new Ship's Counselor for the Arizona. So, I guess I'm apart of the good old Medical team here aboard the Arizona. I've never had much luck with the replicators either myself. They never seem to get Utteraberry Pie quite right, at least not like you would find it on Batezed. If you need any help, I can try and see what I can do with it, even though I've never quite been good as an engineer." Ral then gave out a slight little laugh.

"You and me both..." Maliya laughed, putting the finishing touches in, laughing inside at the irony, she was surrounded by telepaths.

A small part of her couldn't help but wonder how Ral and the Kid would get along. Which made her curious now about this one. She ordered a cup of Jumja tea and sampled it. "Prophets, finally. A nice cup of tea. Want one?" she turned to Ral again.

A Human friend of hers once told her that black eyes were the sign of a demonic posession. And Ral's eyes were so deeply black. Slightly scary. And this was the guy who could poke inside your head to boot. Happy days, she thought amusedly.

Ral looked at her, giving a little smile, and said, "I'm alright, thank you. Always been better at helping with compassion and counseling than engineering. That and playing Rugby and Soccer, for which I decided to be a clutz during a game one time and ended up like shattering a few bones in my right leg. Wasn't a pleasent experience, but couldn't be any worse then the Dominion and the Jem'Hadar." When he said that, one could see the emotions change in Reit's face. Then, he said, "Well, those crazy people are gone now and our allies, or at least that's what the treaty says" then, letting out a slight laugh at the last little bit.

Maliya chuckled at the irony of his statement as she set the cup down and motioned towards the main bay. He was here for the physical after all. So, Medical was run by three veterans of the Dominion war, this ship was so doomed.

"So, you too huh? Were you with the Fleet or in the Betazoid resistance?" she asked, "Hop on Bio Bed 1 please."

While he did so, she fished out a tricorder and brought his medical profile up on the wall pannel.

He hopped on Bio Bed 1 and sat up on the bed. He then said, "Betazoid resistance. I was about 16 or 17 years old when they started the occupation of the planet and it scatter shot everyone. The Dominion are a very unforgiving group to say the least. But, being in the resistance helped shape me to who I am today a little bit."

Then, as the doc started the tests, he asked, "So, where were you during while the occupation of Bajor was going on? Starfleet or on Bajor, or somewhere else?"

"During the Occupation on Bajor, in the Ornathia resistance cell, during the Dominion War on the USS Warsaw, a medical ship." she replied as she calibrated the tricorder for Betazoid scanning.

"Wow. But, what made you want to learn all about medicine and everything? You seem like a very talented doctor." he asked, as she began to take the scans of him with the medical tricorder.

"I was trained as a healer by my line has been healers for thousands of years. They joined up and my sister and I had little choice since we were practically born in a resistance cell..." she replied without taking her eyes off the tricorder, "What's new with you since your last physical? Illnesses, injuries or other maladies?"

"Nothing quite new, just the regular aches and pains of being me. The only thing is that I'm recovering from a sprained ankle that I got over three and a half weeks ago, but that's the only thing that has changed since my last physical." he said as the tricorder keeps going over his body, scanning everything of his betazed body.

"Is it still aching or tugging or anything?" Maliya asked.

"No, not unless I stand on it for a really long time, like longer than about an hour or so. Then, it will start acting up, but other than that, its been healing up pretty good." said Ral, showing the ankle that was sprained.

Maliya nodded, "If it gets worse, come see me and we'll see what can be done." she commented, "So, which House you from?" she asked all of a sudden, with curiosity.

Ral, looking over at her, said," Second House of Betazed. The House of Compassion, or so I'm told. But, I can sort of see why they would say that. I don't think there was ever a mean bone in any of my family's bodies, so it made sense to be the House of Compassion. Nobody has ever asked me that before. What made you think of it?"

Maliya laughed amusedly as she scanned him. "Was having a chat about the with my Assistant, Andrexi Callai. He's also Betazoid, of the Third House. I am surounded by telepaths...Dominion War veteran telepaths to be exact. I am doomed." she grinned at the black-eyed man.

Reit also laughed amusedly as she continued to scan him and said, "It appears so. But, sounds like you got a good Assistant on your hands. I guess since I never liked being called by my title, I just never hardly talked about it and was just sitting in the back of my mind."

Then, after a moment, Reit then said, "I was wondering, what does your name mean in Bajoran?"

Maliya looked up, closing the tricorder for a moment. "In itself it has no particular meaning that reflects what I do. Roughly translated it means Calm Water, with us the castes used to define our paths in life. Torrna's were an line of healers in the le'harana caste, before that they were warriors. Before we threw them away during the Occupation, because we were all the same...Bajoran."

Ral nodded, understanding what she meant. He reflected on it and remembered what the Occupation of Betazed was like. After a moment, he said, "Yeah, I can understand. Occupations are hard. But, how am I doing Doc? Good enough to return to duty?"

She checked out the tricorder again, "You're good, Lieutenant. I'll stop by one day this week for my bi-yearly evaluation, as you will see in my file." she said without disgusing thoughts. She spoke honestly.

He hopped off the bio bed and said, "Alright, sounds like a plan. Thanks for giving me that physical." Then, he gave Maliya a smile before heading off.


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