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Last order of business...

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2011 @ 7:14pm by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Various
Timeline: Current: Before Bridging Ambitions

Xishaal hated being surprised, she always preferred to see the event horizon in order to prepare or to make more informed decisions. Seeing Lt. Broca being transported away mere seconds before she herself wasn't what she preferred, at least not where Borg were concerned.

She instantly knew that she was back on board the Arizona before she herself could visually confirm her surroundings. Her hand still on her phaser rifle, Xishaal whirled around, ready to fire but instead saw the quickly dematerializing form of her... guest, beaming away.

"What in the 4 moons!" Xishaal exclaimed "...Computer, Locate Commodore Cowell"

"Commodore Cowell is in the main turbo-shaft," the computer explained in the curt female voice that it possessed.

'Great!' Xishaal thought to herself as she rushed to the main turbolift. A few moments later, the doors opened as two crewmen exited, Xishaal entered and immediately noticed Cowell standing near the back of the lift.

Nathan, standing next to the drone that had become his shadow since the away mission had come to an abrupt end, watched a most unenthusiastic Andorian enter the turbolift. The expression alone told the old man she wasn't happy about what had transpired, and if he were being honest with himself, he wasn't exactly thrilled to death either.

"You look like a woman on a mission," the Commodore commented sarcastically.

Xishaal's eyes remained locked on the Borg drone standing next to Nathan, her hands still holding onto her phaser rifle, leveled at her hip towards it. The only thing that prevented her from firing at the creature was that her CO didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. "Are you in any danger sir!" Xishaal stated rather than asked as she stepped half into the turbolift, "...from your... casual comment, I take it things aren't what they appear?" she added, still not quite ready to believe what she was seeing even though everything her antennae were picking up from the El-Aurian told her that he was perfectly fine.

"We're not being invaded, and you don't have to point that thing at One. She's harmless... in a manner of speaking. They've agreed to help us get with the times... In exchange for what, I don't know. But for the time being we're on friendly terms with them. Hopefully it will stay that way long enough for us to get our gear in order and get the hell out of Dodge..." the Commodore explained.

After a few seconds, Xishaal powered down her weapon and slung it over her shoulder, "You are sure of their intentions, sir? What kind of help are they offering? Just in case, I'd like to have some precautions taken sir! Especially since this... Ms. One here is going to be following you around. Will you be replicating a sleeping cot for it in your quarters then?" Xishaal replied flatly.

"How can anyone be sure of the Borg's intentions? Best you can do is hope for the best. And no, Lieutenant, she isn't welcome in my quarters..." Nathan said, glaring at the Andorian for even thinking such things about his taste in company.

Noticing the look in Nathan's eyes, Xishaal suppressed a smile and merely winked "Beg your pardon sir for even thinking such a thing. Now then, what would you have me do with our guests roaming about the ship?"

"Man your station and keep an eye on the upgrades. I'm sure there will be plenty of glitches to iron out while we make their technology jive with ours without us having to assimilate the whole ship and learn how to read Borg. I'm too old to learn another language..." the Commodore grumbled.

Xishaal nodded her head for a moment, then thought of something else that she wished to discuss "...Sir, since I took over as Chief of Operations after we lost...Joker, I realized that perhaps someone who is better suited for that position should be there instead? I know it sounds... illogical for someone to give up a senior staff position but I think that now is the time to transition out and move where I can be of better service to you and the ship." Xishaal added, "You've enough engineers to handle the Ops position and to tell you the truth, I miss going on missions and being in the middle of the action! Since Lt. Lischka has been named Chief of Security, I was thinking that I'd like to work with her..."

"Then move to Security," the old man declared rather abruptly, "I'm sure she hasn't picked a Deputy Chief yet, so you can slide in that slot. You're probably better off there anyway. I'm sure I can tap someone else for your old job fast enough. Make it happen, Lieutenant."

Shrugging her shoulders to readjust the phaser rifle Xishaal looked at Nathan for a moment, realizing that he had so much more to be concerned about than the emotional well being of one single officer "Perhaps the... new kid, Lt. Broca would be a decent choice? He seems to be more the type."

Pressing the stop for the lift to let her off she still kept one eye on the drone waiting in the back of the lift. "Well then Commodore, I am appreciative of this little chat. I'll be off to meet with Lischka then..."

As the doors opened Xishaal backed out of the turbolift, her eyes still on the drone, "Good day sir, and thank you..."

"Any time," the Commodore said briskly before the doors slid shut once more.


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