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Running into Idiots?

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2011 @ 12:32pm by Darek Halsey & Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay, Desk 7, USS Arizona
Timeline: ???

The skeletal regenerator had done it's job well enough on Darek's jaw bone, but had done nothing for his brused ego. He'd done as the Commodore had asked, he acted in defense of the crew, and it wasn't his fault no one had deemed to inform them that that the Borg were just being generous and beaming them back to the Arizona.

He'd done as he was trained, and reacted. He'd just missed the memo that reported, projectile weaponry no longer could penetrate a Borg drone's person shielding; the one advantage they'd had. But it didn't matter, he'd gotten knocked out and on his ass, and now he need his quarters a cigar and a very large bottle of some very strong anything.

Sighing he grabbed his gear off the biobed next to his and stood, his head still hurt but it was nothing really. So he threw his gear over his should and proceeded for the exit, humming the Battle Hymn of the Republic as he went. His hand fiddling with his sidearm he side stepped around a very pissed off looking Doctor and made for the door, but it looked like fate had other plans for him on this day.

It was him! The blithering idiot who'd shot up her Sickbay. She turned after him like a flash. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE HALSEY!" Maliya bellowed, the previous thunder written face returning in more force.

To say that her eyes shot icy daggers at him was an understatement, they fumed blue fire, her face set in an angry facade.

Darek paused and rubbed his forehead his head hanging slightly, shaking it he turned around. "And what do you want Doctor!?" He growled back, he returned her gaze in kind. What was it with people today!? He shouted in his head.

Fucking great, this idiot had an attitude to boot with the idiot mentality. Bloody fantastic! She gestured around the still bullet ridden Sickbay, staring fire at the blonde man, "What the hell, Halsey? Didn't like the wall decorations so you decided to redecorate by shooting yourself up some Borg drones? What are you stupid?!" she stepped closer, a growl of her own in her tone. "You're bloody lucky I wasn't here when you did that."

"Doctor....' He said with a condescending tone, "I wouldn't expect you to know a damn thing about dealing with a combat or hostile situation. I was ordered to watch over the away team, and if any of the drones got to comfy cosy to give them a nice taste of some old Earth ass kicking. And I did just that!" He answered in kind by taking a step closer as well.

"Next time one grabs on to a member of this crew with no forewarning of intent, and even with forewarning I will do my duty to protect and defend those I am charged with!" He answered back his tone harsh, and his voice much louder than intended. "How about you get your head out of your pompos, arrogant ass and get over the fact that I put 29 very small holes in your sick bay bulk heads, hmmm."

"Ah, you're the screw the consequences, shoot first ask questions later type." she chuckled suddenly, "You know, there's such a thing as orders, and superior officers in the hierarchy of this ship. But what with your IQ and standing on this ship I guess you haven't learned that in school have you? The next time you pull a brilliantly stupid stunt like this in my Sickbay, I'll shoot you myself and withhold aid on you until you get YOUR head out of YOUR ass." she said in a low, even tone. "You're bloody lucky noone was injured in your little escapade. Borg have shields, the rest of us don't, smart-pants. Ricoches kill people, trust me, seen it happen too many times."

And the look on her face held the truth of that statement.

Darek shook his head, this woman was very uninformed. "Last time I or anyone in Starfleet engaged the Borg, they did no poses any form of shielding to stop projectile or blunt weaponry. Secondly I don't really fit into the chain of command I'm a civilian contractor and that means I can do as I please really, I mean I do have the Commodore's blessing so..." He said trailing off looking at her, "Get off your high horse or I'll be forced to do you the favor of removing you from it for your own good. I don't give a damn about your MD or PhD, the only thing I give a damn about is this ship and it's crew, which sadly includes you. You under your hippocratic oath can not with hold treatment, if you do well your nothing but as bad as I am."

She chuckled, "You mean that sanctimonious crap you Humans invented to keep yourselves believing you'll behave and be the selfless healers?" she laughed, "Sadly, I agree with you there, I'm probably even worse."

She found herself intrigued now, so she leaned back on a biobed and crossed her arms on her chest, eyebrow raised in a challenge. Yes, she wasn't thinking, again, just riding an impulse.

He rolled his eyes, it wasn't the response he'd predicted but hell it worked. "So am I free to go now, or do you have more insults and ridicule to throw my way?" Raising an eyebrow as he set down his gear and stood at parade rest in front of the now de-icing Doctor. He had no idea what had changed but her ice layer was thawing, she had let up.

"Yeah, get out of here." she shrugged simply, shaking her head in resignation.

This guy wasn't going to get the point. He could have killed someone with his stupid, unthought through act. Not thinking was what got people killed. Naturally, she didn't connect the dots and reflect on her own unthinking behavior. Oh no. Not yet anyway.


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