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And This is How Rumors Get Started

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2011 @ 11:46am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Ensign Andrexi Callai MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Following 'Running Into Idiots?'

Maliya sighed, watching after Darek Halsey as he left Sickbay. Arms crossed on her chest and eyes closed, she contemplated on nothing. Just trying to empty her mind and get back to a semblance of work. So zoned out she didn't notice she wasn't exactly alone. Did he see everything? What did he see? How long was he there?

"Should I have taken longer repairing his jaw?" Dr. Andrexi Callai leaned in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest comfortably as he scrutinized her expression.

Maliya turned over her shoulder and caught sight of her assistant, "Perhaps you should have fixed it and booted the idiot out of here before I got back." she chuckled.

He nodded silently to himself in thought. "In the future, if you could give me this sort of information in advance...?"

"What, who's an idiot? Or who's going to torch Sickbay because they're 'protecting' the ship?" she turned fully to Callai now, "How the fuck do I know? For all I care they're all idiots....well not everyone, but most of them...but that still doesn't narrow down the - 'get this idiot out of my sight before I get back' list." she shrugged.

"You do realize," he gestured over his shoulder toward the outer area of Sickbay, "we can fix those projectile holes?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Mhm...." was he trying to be a smartass now?

"No one was injured, besides Halsey. Sickbay's been enhanced by the Borg, which is a bit odd," he admitted reluctantly. "The damage can be repaired." He paused in thought and glanced over his shoulder. "I'm a little surprised the Borg didn't take care of that, themselves, actually..."

Maliya sighed, "I'll get a repair crew on it then. You alright, Kid?"

"I'm fine," he said with a nod. "Unlike some people around here, I know to duck when there are deadly projectiles flying round. And Six was... interesting. Surprisingly funny, for a Borg." He shrugged apologetically. "My first Borg."

She nodded sympathetically. "Look..." she took a step forward, "I know I'm not the most sociable or nicest person...but if you ever want to talk about stuff....I can listen..." she shrugged. Suddenly she looked at him curiously, how long HAD he been standing there? Did he see what she did with Spotty?

Callai had been looking out into Sickbay. He jolted, as if physically touched, and turned back, his expression slack. "Wait, you did what with Commander Aix?!"

Maliya facepalmed and groaned, realising what had just happened. Damn the Kid for being Betazoid. "How much did you pick up?" she asked with a resigned chuckle.

"You," he gestured toward her, then toward the door to the corridor, "Commander Aix. There was kissing involved."

"Fuck...." she cursed silently then walked closer to him, to avoid curious ears. "Yeah, I kissed him." she shrugged, crossing her arms on her chest again and leaned against the wall, her head leaning on the wall aswell. "Could you...not spread it around please?" she asked quietly.

"Oh, so," he feigned confusion, "I shouldn't tell Crewman Daniels?"

"Not if you don't want a pissed off boss." she narrowed her eyes at him again, completely serious.

A sly, devious little grin creased across his face. "Oh, this is going to be fun..." He leaned comfortably against the door frame. "I'll make you a deal. I won't tell Daniels, if you tell me everything about what happened."

She chuckled, somewhat impressed by the young man's guile. "You little bastard. Alright, but not here." she pointed towards the exit.

Callai grinned, gesturing for her to precede him. "Oh, this should be good."


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