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Who Are You?!

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2011 @ 1:43pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant JG Shoshanah Sima

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay - USS Arizona
Timeline: Current

Having finished her 'talk' with Harper in regards to the Borg and their love of firing a good weapon, Stace decided to make her next stop in Sickbay. Having browsed the personnel manifest after their last stop she couldn't help but sense something familiar about a name that she had seen. Entering the highly sterilized room, the marine glanced over the medical bay for several seconds before she found her new 'target'. Like Aix, she too was a Trill, the predominant spots a sure give away.

"Are you busy Lieutenant or do you have a second to spare?" she questioned as she approached the woman.

Shoshannah turned around. She recognized the person immediately. It was the Executive officer. She also recognized her from her past, but Shoshannah couldn't quite put her finger on just where and who's past.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Stace nodded briefly before glancing at the woman more thoroughly. "I saw your name upon the manifest and it struck me as familiar. I was wondering perhaps if we have met somewhere before. Are you jiving with me?"

Shoshannah studied the woman in front of her. "I am not sure. I haven't been in Starfleet that long. I would have to think on it. I was stationed on a starbase for a short time while as a cadet before I went on my medical cruise. Maybe I know you from there. It was Starbase 11. I liked it there and would have liked to have been able to have stayed, but I wasn't allowed to. I got re-assigned after 3 months to the USS McCoy." Shoshannah said.

"Ah ha!!" Stace blurted out triumphantly. "I love being right. It just feels so... good!" Clasping her hands together the marine maneuvered herself around the floor until she was nearly on top of the other woman. "You see, Starbase 11 just so happens to be my station!"

"Your station?" came a hesitant reply.

Stace nodded fervently. "Uh huh! It's all a matter of technicality I assure you... nevertheless, the ol' girl belongs to me. I suppose that's where I be knowing you from after all. I try never ever to forget a name or face. So... how you liking your stay aboard the Oz... er... Arizona so far? Not too shabby digs, if I say so myself."

"Its an interesting place. I've been sort of busy here so I haven't had a chance to meet crew yet, but I'm hoping to fix that soon enough. I'm actually about to get off duty and I was wondering where to go meet some of these crewmembers." Shoshannah asked. "I already met Aix. He's a lot taller then I remember, then again, it wasn't actually me but the past host who really knew him. Sometimes I just hate being Trill."

The woman considered her words carefully before grinning. "Well, I could zap the spots off if it would make you feel better? But if not, the mess hall is always buzzing with a few interesting characters. Chet's normally there. He's pretty... special."

Shoshannah laughed. "I wish it was that easy to change spots so to speak, but I guess I just need to keep working at accepting my life." Shoshannah paused and then with a raised eyebrow said "I sense an explanation is in order. Is there something important I should know before I should go to the mess hall? "

"Oh no!! All the best you discover Chet all on your own," she grinned widely. "Of course I could check in on you if you'd like."

Shoshannah was curious now. "Well I guess I should get down to the mess hall as soon as I can. And by all means, if you have time and feel I need to be checked on, I wouldn't mind. In the meantime, was there anything specific I need to know or do?"

"Just be ready to have your ass handed to you! I suspect our pleasure cruise is going to end real soon," Stace sighed sadly.


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