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Girls Will Be Girls

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2011 @ 10:26am by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Deck 7 - Security Offices
Timeline: Current: After Last Order of Business

Lieutenant Lischka walked into the Security Offices after her time on the Bridge and breathed a sigh of relief. A tea party... That had to be the strangest thing she'd ever been a part of in all her time being a member of Starfleet. She wasn't the least bit shocked that Stace instigated the entire thing, nor that Aral was so for it. Two peas in a pod, which is why she seemed to get along with them so well. But, with that... catastrophe over, she could get back down to business, and there was a lot of that to be handled.

The Borg.

That's why her department was relatively empty. Security had been scattered throughout the ship in an effort to keep them from getting to the important areas of the ship should the drones decide they wanted to turn on the Arizona. So far it didn't seem like they were going to, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

The doors to the Security Office slid open and Lieutenant Xishaal, still carrying her Type III phaser rifle steeped inside and looked around the near empty room "..Is this a good time Lee-shi-ka?" Xishaal asked.

Xylia turned her attention away from assessing the room, smiling when she saw her fellow Lieutenant. She hadn't seen Idrani in quite some time, so it was definitely a pleasant surprise. "Now's as good a time as any. What can I do for you?" The human woman leaned against one of the tables and crossed one ankle over the other. Like Idrani, she was 'packing' for lack of a better word, and tried to keep herself as prepared as possible for the unexpected.

Stepping further inside, Xishaal unslung her rifle and set it on a desk nearest to Xylia. She too then, uncharacteristically, dropped into a chair and stretched her long legs out. in a fashion similar to Xylia. "...Just returned from an away mission..." She began "..Borg infestation and Cowell sends me along with two others to get some sensor pick ups of the area! We spot them using personal transporters to move around and I put it to this new engineer a question about setting up mobil transporter inhibitors, just in case they decide to change the status of our relationship suddenly..."

Xishaal pauses as her antennae suddenly extend and point towards the door she had just arrived in. "..hold that thought, we've got company.."

Torrna, itching to get out of Sickbay, had taken a tricorder with her and went on a hunt for Xishaal Idrani, to check on her medical status, to see how the Andorian woman was doing. She'd tracked her down to the Security office.

"Ladies." she greeted the two women with a genuine smile.

These were the two women she liked aboard the ship.

Xylia turned her attention toward the newcomer and smiled. It was a face she hadn't seen in some time, but one she'd welcome seeing any time of the day as long as she wasn't injured. "Well, well, well... Does the Commodore have you making house calls now? Are is this a social visit? Can't say that I blame you, though." The woman gestured to a chair. This was her chance to take a second to gather her bearings before jumping back into the thick of things. Bridge duty could take it out of a person especially when the Borg was involved, but she was still on high alert, ready to jump when she needed to. "I can't say that I blame you. Being in sickbay all the time can't be fun."

Smiling broadly, Xishaal moved her feet so that the Doctor could join them in their brief moment of levity. "...Dr. Maliya! How are you? I'm sorry I haven't been in for my last round of physical therapy.." Xishaal began to say apologetically "...I actually just came back from an away mission and stopped by to give Lee-shi-ka, some news.."

Maliya chuckled, "'S fine, gave me a reason to take a walk. I imagine though that you've had plenty of exercise on the Away Mission." then she noticed the Andorian was armed. "Did I miss another departmental change?"

"...I have decided that Operations isn't the place for me, after the Archadian mission and today's incident with the Borg, The Commodore agreed to let me move in here, as your DCTSO! " Xishaal said jovially "..Of course that means that I'm no longer a DH and won't sit in on any high level meetings but that's fine with me! I've served as Chief Conn, Chief of Operations, I have more than enough certifications in both Flight Ops, Shuttle Operations and Ship Operations..." Xishaal sat back with har hands entwined in her silvery hair behind her head "...It's all a part of my Grand Design to rule the universe!!"

Maliya chuckled, "Congratulations, Sleeping Beauty."

Xylia grinned from ear to ear, moving to the edge of her seat to make sure she was hearing this right. To think one of the few people she'd gotten close to since being on board the Arizona was going to be in the same Department as her. That made her day. Since Stace departed, things hadn't been the same, but that was all going to change. "Well... that's got to be the best damn news I've heard in a while!"

" Torrna, what's new in your department? How are the new transfers handling your expert bedside manner?" Xishaal asked the Doctor.

To this the Bajoran grinned, "Oh they would be bored without me being like that. New in my Department? Well, some idiot decided to redecorate my Sickbay by emptying a salvo of projectile weaponry into the shielded Borg and then decided to bitch me out for me being mad about it. Talk about a twist in the priorities. But I do feel better knowing you two will be protecting us. On another hand, I feel sick to my stomach now that I found out who the new Ops Chief is." she grumbled as she went over to scan Idrani as she sat.

"Oh? Who is the new Op Chief?" Xylia watched the scan take place, hoping that nothing would be found out of the ordinary where Xishaal was concerned. So much had happened to the Andorian woman in such a short period of time, but she had faith in the Doctor's skills.

The look on Maliya's face was a scowl. "Lieutenant Jasad Broca.....the bloody Spoonhead."

"I've not had the pleasure of meeting Lieutenant Broca yet. Perhaps I should remedy that and introduce myself once we're out of... wherever we are." Lischka stated, leaning back again. She should talk to Stace and see what exactly was going on. If she knew anything, or perhaps go see Lukas. He might know something. "So, have either of you heard anything about what's going on around here?"

Maliya shook her head, "Nope. I'm not sure I want to know either. I just...take it as it comes really. Besides, trying to wrap my head around it all....hurts. Even Aix tries to explain things to me in layman terms...I prefer to just keep you lot alive whilst you figure this muckup out."

"I know about as much as you do, but I think I'm about to remedy that." Xylia said as she got to her feet. It was time for her to stop sitting around and time for her to jump into things head first. "If you two will excuse me, I think I need to track Colonel DeVries down. She seems to be the one to talk about things. When, and if, I find anything out, I'll let you two know. Xishaal... welcome to the department. Between the two of us, great things will happen. Doctor... I'm still holding you to that drink." And with that said, the Lieutenant grabbed her phaser rifle and slipped back out of the Security Offices.

Maliya merely nodded with a grin, then as Lischka left she looked down at Idrani, "Just a few quick questions and then I'll stop harrasing you. How do you feel? Pains? Aches? Any troubles?"

Still smiling at being reunited with both Xylia and Torrna, Xishaal sat up in her chair as Xylia dashed out of the room. "...I'm fine actually, and as for the new Ops Chief, he seems competent enough even if he is a bit not to your liking!"

As Torrna continued her scans, Xishaal shrugged her shoulders "I actually know a little about what's going on! I was in charge of a group that included Mr. Spoonhead! One minute he was rebuking my query about setting up mobile transporter inhibitors and the next? Well he found his ashen butt in the clutches of a Drone, being transported back here to the Arizona." Xishaal laughed "...I can't be too hard, I too was transported back here in much the same fashion! I wonder if I had made it an order instead of a question would things had been different."

Xishaal looked at the Bajoran's face and smiled "..Torrna, don't worry about the little things! As for Mr. Harper? This isn't a Civilian ship! Despite his status not being a Starfleet Officer, a case could be made that even the lowest ranking crewman has more pull on board than he, unless the Commodore makes an official notification to the contrary!" Xishaal winked.

Maliya laughed at the Andorian's sly side, liking it. "Why Sleeping Beauty, you just made my day. How do you like it in Security then?"

"It has been a wonderful experience Doctor!" Xishaal remarked "..One full of wonder, excitement and neverending discoveries!!....I wonder what the next ten minutes of my first day in security will bring!!" The Andorian laughed as she stood up and stretched. "..Really, I just left Commodore Cowell with his new girlfriend on the turbolift, I asked him to transfer here actually..."


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