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A New Home...Pt.2

Posted on Sun Dec 23rd, 2012 @ 4:07pm by Lieutenant Tre Boid
Edited on on Mon Dec 31st, 2012 @ 7:13am

Mission: Funzone
Location: Docking Port Starbase 11
Timeline: Day before the Mission starts

It hadn't been very long since Boid and Pomerantz had left the shuttle before they found themselves at the docking port for the USS Arizona. There was a Lieutenant J.G. and a Petty Officer 3rd Class, both in yellow talking to each other. "Come on, twenty bars of latinum says the CO gets a court-martial, convicted, and the boot."

"Nah, they'll let him resign and slink his way into oblivion. I'll take you up on that." The two said before shaking hands. Tre shot Cory a look and then chuckled. Leave it to security men to be making bets on who would be court-martialed.

"Good morning." Tre said, causing the two to look at them for the first time. He could feel their surprise, but disregarded it among the other mental background noise from everyone else. Cory and Tre snapped to attention for a moment, before Tre handed over a PADD. "Lieutenant Tre Boid, reporting aboard."

Cory handed over a PADD as well. "Senior Chief Petty Officer Cory Pomerantz, reporting aboard."

The Lieutenant looked at the PADDs for a moment. "Welcome aboard, I believe the Operations department will have already assigned your billet. Senior Officers quarters are on decks 2 and 3. In order to formally report in, you'll need to find the second officer, as Captain Haverson is not available, and our XO went MIA."

Tre shot a look to Cory for a moment. 'Are you sure we can't go back to the Old Zee?' Tre asked telepathically as he nodded at the Security officer. "I guess then we'll find the second officer. Or whoever is in charge of this vessel for the day."

'No, we cannot go back. This was the only way I was moving up past Senior, there's no room for upward motion on the Zeebrugge.' Cory replied as he followed behind Tre.

'This gives me a bad feeling. It's one thing for Haverson to be headed for deep trouble, but for the XO to be gone too? Unless they're bringing in more senior staff, this is gonna be a bumpy ride.' Tre replied mentally. Made him regret leaving the Zeebrugge even more. Despite having been in some form of military or another for his entire adult life, Tre didn't like the changing of stations, he didn't like a change in his routine. Still, he would do what was best for Cory's career, help with the goal of becoming Command Master Chief or Chief of the Boat.

'New senior staff isn't unlikely. They like to switch things up when things like this happens. Keep maybe the CMO, Second Officer. Can the Chief Engineer, Ops, CO.' Cory replied as they made their way to the turbolift.

Tre looked up at Cory for a second, then shook his head. 'Can?'

"Can. Sack. Rif. Boot. Give them the ol' heave-ho. Make them walk the plank...." Cory said aloud, continuing walking. That was one thing, Tre preferred mental communication, but Cory being Human, sometimes the silence was too much.

"No one has had to walk a plank since Starfleet's inception." Tre interjected, wondering where this was going. He had a vague memory of someone using the term sack before.

Cory sighed, putting a hand against his face. "Fire. Fire. They may dismiss them from service, or just reassign, but the thing is, fire." Cory explained, as they stepped onto the turbolift. "Deck 2. Someday, you are going to have to learn Human slang."

"I've learned plenty, just not...all of it."


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