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Theories, Theories, Theories...

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2011 @ 8:12pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office
Timeline: after "tbd"
Tags: Major...

Rixx was pacing the room, Cowell had asked him earlier in the day to go to the planet, but he had never made it there. Side tracked on his way down, he had to rely on the information provided by the teams on the surface, and so far, it seemed as if this virus, bug, germ, whatever it was; Dravik wasn't a medically inclined person, seemed to be hitting randomly, "Computer, Analyze the Medical Data for the Sickness on the Colony. What is the most likely non-medical cause of such an infection."

Rixx took a few more steps before the computer beeped indicating its completion, "Most Probable Diagnosis is Contamination of Water or Food Supply. Secondary Diagnosis, insufficient sanitation conditions. Other Possible Causes, contaminated soil, replicator malfunction, contaminated replicator stock, replicator tampering."

Rixx shook his head, "Computer, If it was the water or food, wouldn't everyone be ill?"


"Unless...," Rixx trailed off as he had an idea.

"Please Repeat your Query."

Damn Computer, "Computer, is there any correlation between the colonists who are sick, and their known sources of food or water?"

"Insufficient data to specify."

"Theorize, Computer."

"There is a 93.975% chance that the food or water supply is responsible for the sickness."

"Wow, you offered Secondary diagnosis, explain them."

"There is a 5.025% chance that sanitation conditions could cause the disease. Several of the colonists listed are from older Federation Colonies with a complete and fully functional waste processing system. It is possible that a colonist came into contact with waste and contracted this disease that way."

Rixx nodded his head, that would be something to check into, the waster processing facilities on the colony, "What about your other theories?"

Rixx swore when the computer replied, it sounded annoyed but knew that couldn't be true, "There is a 0.37% chance that the colonists contracted the contaminant from the soil during construction, 0.49% chance of a contaminant in the replicator stock, and 0.14% chance the replicator system malfunctioned or was tampered with to create the virus."

Rixx pursed his lips and rubbed his face and smoothed his eyebrows, "Computer, I want you to cross check the replicator pattern files on the colony, with Federation Standard Files, Notify me of anything suspicious or not in the standard files."

The computer chirped an acknowledgment, and Rixx grinned, and touched his comm badge, "Lt Rixx to Major Devries, Can you meet me in the Conference room on the bridge in 15 minutes?"


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