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Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2011 @ 8:24pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Crew Lounge, Deck 5, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'A Meeting of the Glasses'

Having watched Lieutenant Lischka depart from her sight just mere seconds earlier, Stace S. DeVries contemplated her next move. It would have been easy to continue her drinking binge... but somewhere deep inside a part of her was arguing the fact that she should be doing something a bit more... proactive. Of course, the deeper parts usually lost to her more reckless side. It was the side she was generally more comfortable with. All facade and bravado. It was settled then. Another drink it was. Besides... just one more couldn't hurt.

Lieutenant Aiden Roberts entered the lounge for the first time. It seemed so bland to what he was used to. He was a fan of seedy, dive bars and taverns in the wrong side of town. This place was so clean, and plain. Of course, someone tried to dress it up with a plant here and a gaming table there, but all it all - alcohol was going to be the main attraction here it appeared. An attraction that Aiden was already quite fond of.

He made a bee line for the bar, his stomach grumbling still since he left the Captain's Ready Room and his bridge shift. He had an early morning ahead of him, but ever since setting foot onboard it was one thing after another. He wanted and needed to unwind.

"Vodka and pineapple juice please..." He said aloud, before sitting down and looking for a menu.

Hearing a familiar voice, Stace turned her head in the direction of it and spied the newcomer to what was quickly becoming her home away from office. "Juice? Did I just hear you order something mixed with... a fruit? Fates forbid I haven't drank that much. Well... maybe... I'm not sure. How long have you been here?"

Roberts looked to the right, and two seats down from he found the Major, sitting with an empty and a filled glass of brown liquid. "I just walked in and don't knock it til ya try it. Besides, I don't think they stock the type of beer I want here. The replicated stuff does the foam all wrong..."

Aiden slid down down seats, leaning over the seat closest to the Major rather than sitting. He hadn't forgot the ordeal in the Security Offices, and didn't want to push his luck. However, without her subordinates around watching this time, he did grow bolder.

"And let me guess..., that would be drink number two for you. I know how you Marines can't hold your booze..."

Stace scoffed at the notion and eyed him ludicrously. "More like twenty two. I've been here through a meeting with the Captain, one with Lieutenant Lischka, our new engineering guy Miro... Miromarso... or something. He was rather nice though. Likes chocolate a lot. At any rate... enough about them. Let us discuss something more... important. Any idea what that could be? I'm fresh out."

Aiden pulled the chair out next to Stace and sat down, taking a long sip of his drink. "You mean whole... moment thing in the offices below decks. You flirting with me ... yadda yadda. Ahhh was nothing... I'm used to it. I mean who could blame you right." He leaned back in his chair, propping his one knee against the bar, leaning his chair back slightly on two legs.

"Who could blame me indeed," the woman retorted with a slight smirk as she motioned for the barkeep to fill her glass up once again. "I suppose the better question would be what would happen if I were to act on some of my more... interesting behavioral patterns. Shame though I hear you're heading for the surface. Coordinating something or whatever right?"

"Yea the Old Man needs someone to mind the kids down below. So I offered my experienced... hand in things. " He shot the rest of his drink, setting it down in time for him to also motion the woman behind the bar to refill his drink. "Another please... And as for the surface... I'm not scheduled to depart until at latest 0800. It is against the rules Major to do a shot with me?" He said casually, still planning his response to her question in his head.

Stace perked up at the thought of shots. Oh how she adored those! Even more than just oversized glasses of her favorite hooch. "I have no rules Lieutenant. I'm more of a... fly by the seat of my pants kind of woman. Show me your worst... I have... well... all the time I want."

"Two shots of your high end whiskey..." As the words left his mouth, Aiden could feel his body ache. 0600 was going to come too soon. The barkeep dropped two glasses in front of them. "Major... shall we toast to...your interesting behavioral patterns..." He said as he raised his glass in the air.

The red head nodded as she traded her bigger glass in for the smaller more dangerous one. "Sounds good to me Lieutenant. Let's just hope we have enough whiskey left in this bar..."

"So this is my first stint on a starship. Mostly been a starbase or a colony kinda guy. Doesn't it get .... boring. Same people day in day out...?" Aiden talked to himself, chasing his shot with his other drink - the two didn't mix well with one another. "I mean I'm sure some folks get ... closer than others... to pass the time I suppose, right?"

She thought the question over before shrugging and motioning for yet another drink. "It can get rather redundant at times... but I suppose there is always things to shake the mundane routine to pieces. Unlike a starbase things on a starship can go to hell in a hand basket within a matter of minutes. We can get boarded... the ship could blow up... the replicators could stop working. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"

"Sounds good to me. I'm all about shaking things up..." He paused looking around the room. There were alot of young faces, officers and non commissioned folks alike. All so young - almost kids. "So I saw you had kids. Well I didn't see. I..I read that..somewhere...yeaa...." He trailed off before polishing off drink again, whilst signaling for another.

"Were you stalking me? Or just reading up? " Stace inquired with a curious leer as she shifted on her stool until she was nearly facing him - the alcohol finally starting to effect her vision as random colors started to appear in magical bubbles. "Cause most of them aren't really mine. I mean... they are but they aren't... it's complicated... I'm complicated... you feel me?"

"I uhh didn't touch you..." Aiden said confused. Drinking on an empty stomach never ended well for him, or anyone for that matter. "I was just curious that's all...I like to know who I'm working with that's all... Major."

She snickered at his mild discomfort. For some reason she seemed to get a kick out of watching men squirm. "I bet you do Lieutenant... however... I wouldn't necessarily object if you were to. In fact, perhaps you'd be interested in stopping by my quarters later. It might be hard to believe... but my place is far more entertaining."

Surprised, the Lieutenant raised an eyebrow. "I don't know. I have hammock in mine, its mildly entertaining..." He joked. "But like I said I have an early morning....then again sleeps overrated. I might take you up on that..." Aiden stood, motioning the barkeep one last time. "Add her next drink to my tab....." Once again, he almost regretted the words that came from his mouth. For all he knew he'd be paying a bar of latinum for that next drink. "I'll see you around Major..."

"I hope so Lieutenant," Stace muttered as she took advantage of the man's free offered drink. Just one more before back to the grind. One more never hurt.


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