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Those who stay behind: Crash Course..Part 2

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 10:34am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Petty Officer 2nd Class Wally Ruiz

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Current

Morgan exited the turbo lift onto deck 6, and approached the security office. He cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"...Excuse, ma'am, Petty Officer 1st Class Morgan Price, I was ordered to conduct the first round of the shuttle operations course for your department..." Stepping forward, Morgan handed the Major a PADD with his orders signed by Captain Cowell and Lieutenant Idrani

"The Captain wants any and all away team members to be brought up to speed on shuttle and Runabout emergency flight operations. He's left it up to you to decide who stays and who goes.." Morgan tried his best not to appear too nervous or at the very least, too anxious. A lot of the NCO's had talked about "Big Red" and how attractive she was but standing here in front of her, he could see that much of the talk was well deserved.

Lieutenant JG Lischka glanced to the Major, then turned her gaze back to Price. Despite his need not to appear too nervous or anxious, she still picked up on it. Reading people, part of her training. Yes, Stace was quite attractive, but were the men on board this ship so unused to seeing an attractive woman? Somehow, she doubted it, but from what she observed in the past, it was starting to become a possibility. With the shake of her head, she turned her attention back to what she was doing prior to the interruption.

"Understood Petty Officer," Stace S. DeVries acknowledged as she leafed through the PaDD the man had just handed her mere moments ago. "The Captain and I have spoken previously on the away mission and those who would be departing for the planet so I believe that part is already concluded. Our MA Petty Officer Ruiz will be leading the security for us down below while the Lieutenant and I remain onboard. Of course either of us would be willing to assist in any way possible to get the training concluded."

Relieved, Morgan relaxed and smiled "..thank you Ma'am, holo-deck 2 has been reserved for training course. Lieutenant Idrani is currently in holo-deck 1 with some of the other away team members. Captain Cowell plans on leaving the entire compliment of axillary craft for their use. The Arizona needs a minimum of 9 personnel who can handle the Conn and if you've got the time, it'd probably be a good thing for the both of you to have some... familiarity with the Multi-Vector Assault mode should something happen.."

"Yeah, probably the smart thing considering I've destroyed more vessels than not," Stace admitted with a slight smirk. "Of course, it was not intentional you understand. Nevertheless... I think that's the best thing to do. Shall we go ahead now or does anyone have any objection?"

"Let me get this straight... you're saying that we're all to go through this particular training?" Xylia asked, looking up once again.

Morgan looked first to the Major, then to the Lt.JG "...well actually,...yes, should something happen to Chief Idrani and the rest of the flight crew, having two tactical officers trained in the operation of the MVA system makes sense." Morgan smiles " me, it'll be fun, informative, and you can put it in your record at your next performance review!"

"There is always that, but I was merely curious." Xylia stated, her German accent growing thicker. "I have no problem going through the training. Just let me know when I have to be there, and I'll be there."

"...Miss Lischka, I beleive that time is now!" Morgan looks around, expecting to find someone else "....Hmm...I thought there'd be someone else but according to this, it'll be just the two of you, well let's get going then, we'll be shipping out soon.."

Morgan smiles warmly and exits the office, being in the lair of the beast was not his idea of a fun time, even if there was two attractive distractions, it still was a jail and someplace he never wanted to spend any length of time in again.



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