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Welcome to Kanas

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2011 @ 1:53pm by Darek Halsey

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Intelligence Annex, USS Arizona
Timeline: Immediately After "Deferent Day, Same Shit"

=Intelligence Annex>>CIO's quarters, USS Arizona=

The walk to the series of rooms that made up the Intelligence Annex, the place that would become his home over the next how ever many months of his cruise on the Arizona took but mere seconds. A result of having two days of nothing to do but study the USS Arizona, her crew, and the RMZ/RSE* as he lay on a jerry rigged cargo net sitting over 70,000 gallons of water held down by only artificial gravity.

Barely pausing at the door to remember to give his thumb, eye, and voice scan before he was pressing his thumb to the scanner, speaking the key phrase and having his retinas scanned. With a quick and almost happy series of beeps the large heavy doors slid open soundlessly, and heading for his office.

The room was already lit and occupied by the lead Intelligence Officer and her mate the head Encryption Specialist, the two were a mated Bynar pair. 1010 and 1011 if he remembered, correctly which he did.

Nodding to the pair as they looked up from their work, "Good morning Chiefs, how are we this morning?"

"Good morning Commander Halsey,..." 1011 Started. "...We are well thank you Commander." Finished 1010, as was normal of a Bynar pair to finish one another's sentences. With a nod from both they returned to their work in the "pit"

Chuckling and smiling to himself,'I've always liked Bynars nothing but ones and zeros, no bullshit in the middle.' He thought, as he entered his darkened office. He didn't bother turning on the lights nor putting down his duffle bag, it would just take a few seconds to check the status of his department.

With a few quick pokes and prods at the controls, the screen activated; with a sigh Darek submitted to the thumb, voice, and retina scans; and with another happy jingle the screen began scrolling information. First the encryption codes for the day, then the reports pertaining to the RMZ/RSE* area of operation, and finally the department status reports. Using his index finger Darek slowed the scrolling text down to a manageable rate.

Everything was good to go, all personnel were either en route or onboard, all the necessary field gear and data was onboard or the process of being transfered onboard, so on and so forth down the list. With a content nod he stood exiting his office and the intelligence annex, it was then a turbolift ride up two decks and a quick walk across the ship to his quarters.

Again it was an in and out ordeal, just long enough to toss his duffle bag into a corner of his room, strip out of his disgustingly dirty field clothes and head for the sonic shower. Stepping into the sonic shower, Darek turned the settings up to the highest and most painful, he needed to be clean now not in five minutes.

As soon as the feeling of embedded dirt and grime was gone Darek killed the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack next to the shower and stepped out to stand in front of the mirror. Sighing as he looked in the mirror, he'd have to wait to shave and cut his hair down to the proper length again. So he tossed the towel to the side and headed to his duffle to dig out his duty uniform.

It didn't take long before he was once again standing in front of the mirror straighten his commbadge and rank pips and to smooth down his uniform jacket. With a content nod he grabbed a leather band from inside his duffle to tie back his overly long hair and grabbed the leather belt from with in, exiting his quarters he buckled the belt at his waist and then the smaller buckles down on his thigh for the holster, in which he carried a relic of a weapon...

Tapping his commbadge, "Computer what is the XO's location?"

"The XO is currently on the bridge." Replied the feminine voice, sighing Darek headed for the bridge. "Looks like work can wait..."


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