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A Hijacking...

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2011 @ 11:05am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Yuven Tovsh

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Space near the Braken Star System
Timeline: Concurrent to the Arizona docking with Deep Space 6

=Bridge, Transport Vessel North Star=

The Captain of the North Star, an incredibly wily Ferengi by the name of Grixx, sat in his center chair going over the manifest of goods he had taken aboard. The list ranged from mundane trade goods such as raw materials and replicator bulk matter to medical supplies, many of which were rather rare and very expensive. This made his shipment rather valuable to the colonists; the only problem was he wasn't selling them, just delivering them. The on positive side of things was that he had been paid double the normal rate to take the job, music to his greedy lobes.

The ship had already made it most of the way, leaving only the last hour or so of their trip laying before them. Very few times had Grixx ever made a trip out near the Neutral Zone without being harassed. The paranoid part of him wondered if that were nothing more than a set up to lull them into complacency, though the less pragmatic part of the Ferengi urged him to write it off as a good trip and leave it be. He decided to listen to his less than cautious internal voice and let the matter slide, something he should never have done...

[Bridge, SS Torvanka]

It was not often that the Captain sat forward in his chair, but when he did the rest of the crew knew that he meant business. The Kobheerian was bearing perfect posture at the end of his seat while he looked out his small view screen towards their prey. It seemed only a miniature moving target because of how far away they were, but it didn't make Yuven any less cautious as he brought the Torvanka in on a slow intercept course.

"What's the status of our stealth systems?"

"We're not giving off any signatures, sir. Unless the ship has Starfleet-grade sensors, we should be able to get in close enough," replied the human man at the helm.

Yuven laughed, bellowing a deep, throaty laugh as he sat back in his chair and crossed his legs. No one paid any mind, though. They all knew how unstable Yuven was with his temper. One false move away from the console could mean his fist in someone's face, so the crew stayed as still and focused as possible. However, as strange as it was, they were no less loyal in their cause.

"Bring us in nice and slow, Jack," Yuven spoke slowly, his brown eyes narrowing on the target slowly growing on the screen. "Once we're close enough, drop the stealth systems and use a localized EM pulse to disable their communications. I'll take a team to pick up the supplies."

Yuven had already been paid half his due. If he wanted he could have left the job undone without even having to lay hands on a person or without stealing some rather important supplies -- but that wasn't his way. The Maverick never let a job go unfinished. He may be some of the worst scum the galaxy could ever possibly know, but he did have a reputation to hold that would allow him more business opportunities in the future. 'Besides,' he thought as he entered the lift taking him down to his transporter room, 'I love a good fight.'

It took only moments for the lift to come to a stop on Deck Four, where his transporter room and rear weapons were located. For such a small ship, it was jam packed with as much fire power and engines as possible. The warp drive could even be seen here to, taking up space from Deck Two to Four. But he walked by all of those windows and straight to the end of the hall where the transporter room was located. There his strike team had already assembled, weapons, armor and all.

Some of the meanest, smartest, and deadliest people the galaxy was unlucky to know were assembled in this room.

Jracke, a Vulcan criminal. He had been born with a genetic defect that made him prone to violent emotional reactions. He also happened to be a genius, even among his own kind. He was a the technical expert of his strike team, though Yuven had some hard work to make him keep in line and not stab him in the back. He carried a basic Starfleet phaser at his belt, which he had taken from a murdered officer, and basic combat armour as well as a belt of technological gizmoes.

Beside him was a woman known only as Y. She was an aging Betazoid woman capable of powerful telepathic attacks -- she also happened to be rather capable with explosives of all kinds. She was the demolition expert of the team, and she had no problem serving under Yuven -- as long as she got her cut.

The third and final member (besides Yuven) of the four member team was a Bolian man named Quova. He had served in Starfleet during the Dominion War as ground soldier in over five engagements and in Special Operations. Some how he had managed to escape a Dominion prisoner of war camp, curiously around the same time that Starfleet found everyone in the camp dead, prisoners and soldiers alike. Quova was a deadly soldier, and one of the only Bolians in the galaxy who rarely ever spoke. He was fire support, the man who would walk into the flames, the risk taker. He killed because he didn't know what else he could do with himself.

"Standard procedure, folks. We're going to be beamed in on the same deck that the supplies are located. Expect minimal resistance upon beam in, moderate resistance during our advance. We will detonate the secure doors to the cargo hold and attach transporter transponders to the valuable cargo. We'll hold out until the cargo is away, exit the cargo hold and beam back and make our escape. Any questions?"

"It's just another job, so let's go already," Y groaned, caressing her disruptor rifle as she eagerly awaited her chance to beam over.

"If you had properly listen to the briefing, you would have known we're waiting for a signal from the bridge," Jracke spoke smoothly, seemingly emotionless, though his cold black eyes spoke of murder and -- could it be pleasure?

"Shut it," Yuven spoke softly. The two looked at him, then at each other, then at the floor as quickly as the conversation had begun. Pain was power, and power only came with leadership. Yuven prided himself in his power, and his ability to cause pain.

"Stealth systems dropped. Ready for beam out?"

"Damn right we are. Get on the pad you dogs, lets move!" Yuven shouted, using his customized Romulan disruptor pistols to point. He decided no armour, dual wield this mission. See how many kills he could wrack up this time.

"Beaming now."

The familiar flash of light from the transporter beam filled Yuven's sight as they began their transport over. 'Here we go.'



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