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Getting the kinks out...

Posted on Mon Feb 14th, 2011 @ 11:23am by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion & Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Various
Timeline: The morning after 'Handling Business, Bruce Lee style'

=Lt. JG Marion's Quarters, Deck 4, USS Arizona=

Lieutenant Junior Grade Elizabeth Marion had been greeted this particular morning by two messages. The first was from the Captain, which stated rather plainly that 'It's been handled...' which told her in no uncertain terms that Lt. Roberts would no longer be a problem. The second message that greeted her was a list of things to 'iron out' while Lt. Roberts was away. The entire thing was terse and business-like, which spoke volumes about just how her adoptive father had 'fixed' things. With a smirk on her lips and a slightly more energetic spring in her step, Liz made her way out of her small quarters and down to the Engineering section to work on her laundry list from her boss.

=Main Engineering, Deck 5, USS Arizona=

Lt. JG Marion stepped off the turbolift and entered the small but busy Engineering section that housed the main warp core that normally powered the ship when it was not separated for combat operations. She had at first thought that she would have to deal with the shape-shifting Lt. Rixx. It wasn't until EM3 Macy informed her that Rixx had been called away for a Senior Staff meeting. The next in line for all of her issues would being her to Lt. JG Barr, whom she hadn't actually met before. Macy was kind enough to led her to the man, who was busy working on a conduit or relay or some other such.

"Lieutenant," Liz said in a cheerful voice, "I hate to bother you but I have a list of issues the Operations Chief forwarded to me and I wanted to get them addressed before we get too far involved in other matters. Do you have a second?"

Lt JG Barr looked over his shoulder, putting a finishing touch on his diagnostic and straightened up. "Lieutenant..." He saw the rank on her collar, but didn't recognize her. "How can I help you today?"

"I have a list here from my department chief. He's not coming with us on the trip so it was given to me to work things out. Did you have a free second?" the woman recounted again with a smile.

"Of course I do." He replied, turning his attention fully to her with a smile of his own. Tempted to read her mind since she asked the question twice, he restrained himself but did reach out with his empathy to see if there was something that he should be worried about.

Good," Liz said cheerfully, "Most of it is efficiency items, like the EPS conduits on deck four and six exhibiting power relay efficiency drop offs, a few of the replicators pulling more power than they are supposed to in the lounge, simple stuff mainly but it all adds up after a while."

"I'll get right on it, Lieutenant." He made notes to his PADD, assigning mental notes to check on the efficiency relays that might explain the drop in power, and to see what the replicators have been used for in the lounge. "I'll have this done within the hour. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"

"No, I really just wanted to pass this along. And it got me off the bridge for a little while, which is never a bad thing," Liz said with a bit of a giggle.

"There's nothing wrong with that, Lieutenant. I can imagine that the Captain has had everyone running ragged. Things have certainly been hectic enough here in Engineering," Miomar replied, smiling, "I could use some down time, too, but you know how the Chief is... but I don't complain. My name's Miomar Barr, Lt JG."

He began to request the information on what the replicators had been making and started a diagnostic on the EPS conduits in the specified sectors.

"Elizabeth Marion," the woman replied in kind, "But most people call me Liz. Anyway, I'll leave you to your work. I'm sure we'll see plenty of one another before this is all over."

With that, Lt. Marion turned and made her way back out of Engineering, off to man her station on the bridge.


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