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Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, off to sneak we go!

Posted on Mon Feb 14th, 2011 @ 4:38am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Petty Officer 2nd Class Todd Sweeney & Darek Halsey & Lieutenant Serran & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Three of Seven & Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Summation Summaries'

With less than an hour to assemble a suitable away team and get them prepared for their impending mission aboard Sutekh Station, Stace S. DeVries wasted no time in returning to the security offices on deck 7 in order to draw up a mock roster. Satisfied that it would do she quickly transferred the data to her hand held PaDD and turned her attention towards the far desk of Lieutenant Xylia Lischka.

"Alright... we have about forty five minutes before we're in orbit of our potential bad guy hiding ground... you're joining me on the away team... grab your gear and let's get going. We still have a few people to round up."

Xylia stood up from her desk and nodded, gathering up her gear. "Lead the way, Major."

Confident that her number two could keep up, Stace led the way out the door and back into the corridor. "First we'll stop by and pick up Doc Serran... he should be in Sickbay."

Considering the medical labs were only a short walk away from her office, the Major made the journey in relative time and entered the room with an air of haste. Looking around, her hazel eyes zeroed in on the tall Vulcan male. "Lieutenant... I'm here to inform you that for the next few hours you essentially belong to me and my away team... I need you to come with us if you don't mind."

Serran raised an eyebrow to the human woman, intrigued, then turned to face her.

"I do not mind, Major," the Vulcan replied. "Will a standard field medical kit be sufficient for our... excursion?"

She considered the question for a moment or two before nodding. "I believe it will be enough... let's hope anyways. If not, well then I guess we'll be winging it together!"

Leaving Sickbay several minutes later, one Vulcan in tow, Stace next made her way back towards the nearest turbolift and onto deck eight where she was hoping to find their science officer for the mission - one Lieutenant Barret. Entering the lab, Xylia and Serran close behind, the woman looked around until she spied who she thought was the other woman. "Barret, I hope?" she questioned.

After her meeting with the Captain, Susan contacted Commander Halsey who was able to give her some communications that they had intercepted from the mercenaries. What made her task easier, was she was learning a dialect rather than a completely new language.

Susan put down her earpiece as a trio entered the science lab. There was one marine, a security officer and a Vulcan who she assumed was from the medical department.

"That's me. I'm told you need a linguist to help translate the lingo of a group of mercs?"

Stace nodded her head. "Something along those lines. I assume you're ready to go then? We don't have a lot of time and we're still missing a couple people. Next stop is deck ten to retrieve Commander Halsey, whom I believe you have spoken to... then off to the bridge to gather Sweeney and Three. Shall we?"

Darek, grabbed the last bit of his gear, what little he did need and stuffed it into one of the multitude of pockets on the light combat/recon vest he was wearing. Quickly running his hands over his vest, he checked that everything was secure and that the had everything, with a nod he instructed the computer to kill the lights in his office.

With a quick wave to the Bynar pair he exited the Intelligence annex, and headed for the turbolift and ran into the away team and Major DeVries, "Major." He said as he joined the group.

Having conducted their business on deck ten by way of securing their resident spook, the growing group - who strangely resembled a lost rabble of individuals - now made their way back towards the bridge in order to gather their remaining two members before conferring in the transporter room about the dos and don'ts of the mission.

"Lieutenant Three..." Stace called as she entered the bridge and tried not to swarm it with her posse. "You interested in perhaps joining us on our most excellent journey?"

The drone turned to regard the major for a moment, it's mind working to determine a reference for her question. The most logical conclusion delved into the conversation the it had overheard earlier, the subject matter of which had been an away mission. The word 'interested' was not one that Three would have picked to describe the way in which the Borg determined the most reasonable course of action in any given situation, however, it did seem appropriate for the away team to include someone experienced with diverse engineering and computer systems. Therefore Three's addition to the group was the best use of a resource for the collective function that the ship had to perform. "If that is an invitation then I accept, Major," the drone stated. Standing from the Ops console, he moved out of the way for Lieutenant Marion to relieve him of the post.

"Great! That's what I like to hear. Now, if you don't mind Captain... I'll be taking this here group of party animals down below to square away the nasties who threaten to make us frown," the woman remarked as she indicated for everyone to once again return to the turbolift. The thought of just having everyone meet in the transporter room had crossed her mind... but for some reason she determined this make-shift conga line as more fun. "It's wonderful isn't it?"

"A regular luau..." Nathan responded flatly, "All we need are some tiki torches and a roasted pig and we'll be set..."

The Major seemed to consider this before grinning. "Very well Captain... I'll make sure I bring something back when I return."

"Just don't do it up here... I don't want my chair used as kindling..." Nathan gave her a measured look.

Stace smirked before allowing the turbolift doors to slide shut. "Alright then gang... shall we chat it up a bit?"

"So... do we know what to expect, or are we in for a surprise?" Xylia asked, glancing in the Majors direction. Considering she was the one rounding up the away team, she had to know something, and if she didn't... well... they were, quite frankly, screwed.

The small drone glanced around at the largely unfamiliar group. The members of the ship's senior staff it had dedicated some memory toward. The rest were unknown variables as Three assessed the overall functionality of the group. "Perhaps the parameters of this operation would be a... good place to start," the Borg stated finally, fumbling slightly over the idiom often used in humanoid speech in situations which the drone's catalog showed were somewhat similar to the situation it now found itself in.

"We've gotten wind that our possible hijacked goods and/or their intended thief may be present onboard the station," Stace began as she eyed each individual briefly. "Our overall goal is to head over and investigate every nook and cranny in an attempt to either find one or the other or some type of information that could lead us to finding one or the other. Covertness was considered in their endeavor, however, we opted for a more official stance. This is serious business, as I'm sure I don't have to remind any of you, and we can't afford to waste anymore time. We clear?"

And they were off!


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