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Advanced Planning

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2011 @ 1:57pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion & Darek Halsey

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: A few hours after 'Departure Briefing'

Captain Nathan Cowell sat in his command chair, book in hand, reading as the rest of the bridge went about their business. He'd decided that if he were out on the bridge, no one would be tempted to interrupt him and stick around. He could just deal with their issues and go back to reading. Thus far, nothing had come up, and Nathan was starting to believe nothing would until...

"Captain," Lieutenant JG Marion broke the relative silence from the Mission Ops station, "We've just entered the area where our long range sensors can get a detailed enough scan of the system we're approaching."

"On screen," Doc Cowell said, putting his book face down on his lap.

The standard star field that normally dominated the main viewer switched over to a tactical display of the Gamma Daranus System. The first image displayed was a warp signature tracking map, something Nathan was somewhat familiar with. For being a supposedly empty system dominated by gas giants, it had a booming traffic pattern.

"Well, that looks promising..." Nathan muttered as the screen changed. The next image focused more intently on the second planet, labeled rather oddly as Urmin II, with a bracket surrounding one of the many moons listed as La'Zoz. The naming conventions of the system were beyond Nathan's ability to fathom so he didn't try. The screen flickered one more time and a vague outline of an orbital platform, if someone could even call it that the way it looked even in a fairly pixelated format. Nearly a dozen other blotches showed up on the screen, most likely mercenary vessels of some type or another.

Nathan turned to his Chief of Security, who was sitting in front of him in the chair normally used by the First Officer, "Thoughts?"

"Well... if I were to make an educated guess... I would surmise based on the number of vessels present and the complete lack of inhabited areas in this sector that what we're looking at is actually a trading route... probably of the naughty variety," Stace remarked as she swirled her chair around to meet his gaze.

"A good start indeed..." Nathan said with a nodding of his head, "And given they are not of the strictly above board types, what would you say the odds of our going in there and getting what we're after would be?"

Stace grinned widely and turned her attention back to the view-screen. "I was never one for odds Captain... but if it were up to me? I'd already be halfway there."

Nathan chuckled and turned to the Intelligence Officer, "Anything to add, Mr. Halsey?"

Darek crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the view screen then back to the Captain, "I agree with the Major, Captain. But... Even with this vessel being what it is, might I suggest a more cloak and dagger approach; then just going in MVAM with guns blazing?" He replied.

"I'm not even sure if it will come to that, Commander," the Captain commented as he looked at the screen. He took a few moments to think it over before looking at the two senior officers before him.

"Here's what I think we need to do. First, we need to get there and find out just how hostile those mercenaries are. Unless they have guilty consciences, they probably won't pick a fight they probably can't win. That being said, we need to put together an away team to go down there and figure out where our cargo might be and possibly get it back. Major, I'm sure you've kept a few people in reserve with some ass kicking abilities, correct?" Nathan began.

Stace nodded and shifted in her seat. "Lieutenants Lischka and Goodman remained on board with us... and I always have Helga for ship-wide backup if you have need of her. Trust me when I say... we're capable of all the ass kicking you need."

"And you've been known to pal around with filth, Mr. Halsey. See if you can't make a few calls and perhaps pave the way for us, or at the very least get us some updated information about who's there and what for," Nathan turned to his Intelligence Officer.

Nodding Darek stood, "How fast you want it? Cause if you want fast I need permission to throw some latinum around, or at least appear like I have it to throw around." He replied.

"That's fine, throw some money at them if it will make this an in and out job. I'm sure I can justify the expense later. Just make it happen," Doc Cowell said.

"Get an away team put together..." Nathan said before getting out of his chair, "I'll see if I can't get you a body to make things easier out there. You have the bridge Major."

"Very well Captain... I always did prefer the big chair," Stace retorted as she stood to her feet. "Time to get this show on the road."


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