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Beach Stud

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 4:54pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eldon Solus
Edited on on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 5:09pm

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Seaside, Pacifica
Timeline: Just prior to Arizona departure

If Eldon had been banished from Earth and busted in rank, it was hard to tell. Today, he sat in a beach chair close to the rolling surf. Wearing a panama hat and bright Hawaiian shirt, he sipped contentedly on a tropical fruit drink. "Surroundings pleasant. Should mouth off to admirals more often."

Besides taking in the sun and gentle tropical breezes, he enjoyed the fawning from several beautiful young human females. Onlookers couldn't understand the attraction. They eagerly brought him small seashells and indigenous flowers. He would briefly scan them with a tricorder. And if he gave a nod, the girl carefully placed the sample into a partitioned science box. "Here you go, Eldon! Can I refill your drink?"

"Yes. Enjoy coconut. Would also like to try kiwi."

His communicator beeped, so he took it in hand to examine the screen. "Most annoying." He connected indirectly through a public hub.

=A= You have fifteen new messages. First message is- Second message is- Third message is-...=A=

He quickly skipped to the end. "Hm. Persistent people."

=A= Doctor Solus, please notify Starfleet liaison office as soon as you arrive at Pacifica. Transit records indicate that you should have arrived by now. =A= He took a deep breath and powered off the device again.

Shortly thereafter, another human hurried up to him. She was out of breath and wide eyed in deep astonishment, "I'm younger! Doctor! How did you do that?"

"Better you not know. You wouldn't like."

One of the others took hold of his hand, "Doctor, how long does this last?"

"Not a venus drug. Infused tissue repair and regeneration. Will age normally." The women squealed with delight, smothering him with hugs and kisses.

"You could live like an emperor, selling this!"

"Rare materials. Not for sale. Glad to help. Remember, will not increase lifespan, only quality of life."

Towards the end of the day, Eldon sighed. The sunset was beautiful, but somehow it brought a sadness. The world was a lonely and desolate place without test tubes and germs to play with. He called for a small hovercart and bid his fanatic followers adieu. He flipped on his communicator. "Eldon Solus calling USS Arizona. Have arrived on Pacifica. Awaiting instructions."

PO2 Eldon Solus
USS Arizona
Bravo Fleet


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