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Security Situation

Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2011 @ 3:46am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Sophia Goodman

Mission: Renegades
Location: Security Offices, USS Arizona
Timeline: Shortly after 'Information for 500 Please Alex'

After rounding up Lieutenant Goodman and Petty Officer Ruiz, Xylia made her way into Security and settled down. The Major wished to have a briefing, and though she hadn't known the woman long, she did know that no one left the red haired woman waiting. Unless, of course, they had a death wish or something similar. She wasn't one of those people. Her life was precious, and she planned to keep it as long as she possibly could. Glancing around, she took note that Stace hadn't made it back yet. There was absolutely no sense in sitting around to wait when there was obviously work that needed to be done. Xylia moved over to the replicator for coffee, then returned to her desk.

Sophie looked about the area. There was no sign of the major, but apparently she would be there shortly. And the Aborigine liked being at meetings early anyway. A remainder of her days in litigation. She crossed over to the replicator, and ordered a mug of strong coffee with cream. She then walked over and sat in one of the chairs in the visitors area.

Goodman took a sip of the coffee, and inhaled the aroma. She then leaned back in the chair and awaited her new department head's arrival.

Entering the room swiftly with a swish of the door, Stace S. DeVries took a quick look around the department before motioning for everyone to join her in their unusually small 'conference' area. Now that her 'meetings' with the Senior Staff, the Captain and Lieutenant Roberts were concluded she felt she was far more capable in explaining some of the situations that were presently ongoing in their upcoming duty station. Replicating a raktajino - warm and with whipped cream - the red head paced the head of the table as she waited for everyone to take their respective seats.

Xylia grabbed her coffee and moved over to join the rest of the team, settling down in one of the chairs closest to Stace. Since being on board the Arizona, this was the first department meeting she recalled ever having. Could mean a couple of things. One, Stace wanted to whip their particular department into shape. Two, the proverbial shit was going to hit the fan. Or, three, all of the above. She was banking on all of the above. There was definitely a feeling that things would be getting interesting fairly soon. "So, Major, we're all accounted for."

"Indeed," Stace replied as she halted in her footsteps and turned to face the individuals whose eyes remained steady on her. "In approximately one week the Arizona will be experiencing a quick layover at Deep Space 10 before proceeding on mission towards the Gavarian Corridor. This corridor, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is neutral territory bordered by not only us but the Romulans and Cardassians as well. As one would assume with neutral areas of space there is a definite vying for dominance in this section and there have been several reports of activity of the shady kind going on. Our alert must be at the highest. Any questions so far?"

"I can't speak for anyone else, but so far, I don't have any." Xylia replied.

Goodman took in what the Major had said. It wasn't going to be a pleasant situation, but she hadn't signed up for one anyway. She asked, "What is the position that Starfleet holds concerning the Romulans and the Cardassians? Do we favor one side or the other, or do we support the claims of a local and indigenous group?"

"From what I've gathered from the crusty one, the Federation is trying to gain some footholds in the area rather than support anyone else cutting us off from the Gavarian Expanse on the other side. Largely, what we're going to be doing could be considered running interference for less heavily armed ships that are trying to make it through unmolested," Stace answered.

Xylia leaned back in her chair. "This should definitely be fun. Do we have any idea what kind of shady activity is going on?" She kept her eyes on the Major, knowing she would be the one with the answers. If she didn't know, it was unlikely anyone else on board the ship would know, either. It would not be a good thing to go into a situation blind, but if it had to be done, then, that's what would be done.

"Ships are being raided... some for supplies... some for spare parts. We're not exactly sure who is behind these incidents or why... though it's a safe bet to assume whoever the culprit is they won't go down easy. In fact, I think I want to initiate some extra security drills just so we're all up to par. Any objections?" Stace inquired from the group.

"I actually think that's a rather good idea. If we're heading into a situation where we aren't sure what we're going to get, we definitely can't be too prepared." Xylia stated. She looked at her forgotten coffee, then back to the Major. "Now, about ships being raided for supplies and parts, could this be anything like we dealt with previously?"

"It's possible," Stace admitted with a shrug, "But there are too many other powers involved in the area to know for sure if they are linked or just coincidence. For now, we'll just focus on the tasks at hand shall we. You're dismissed."


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