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More Questions Answered

Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2011 @ 5:46pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Renegades
Location: Chief of Security's Office - Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Security Situation'

"Major, there are a couple of other matters I would like to discuss with you," Xylia stated as she entered the Chief's office some time after the conclusion of their earlier meeting. There were just too many questions floating around and no answers. At this point, she wasn't even sure if Stace would be able to supply her with the answers. She trusted the Romulans about as much as she trusted a male dog not to hump her leg when the mood struck it, and as such, she wouldn't put it past them to be causing the problems.

"First, does anyone know what kind of ships are being targeted for their cargo or are there any records of what's been taken? If we can get that information, then that might make finding the culprits a little easier. If not, then it's going to make things much more difficult." She crossed over to the other side of the room and leaned against the wall. "If no one on board currently has the answer to that, then I think someone should try to find them out. The more information we can get a hold of, the better off we're going to be." She pushed herself away from the wall and paced to the other side of the room.

Stace considered her words carefully... a close resemblance of a brief conversation she had just held with Lieutenant Goodman mere moments ago. "It would appear both you and Goodman are on the same track. She just mentioned the possibility of tracking down parts via the proverbial chop shop. However, I feel that at this time it's too early to determine just what is going on until we're actually within that area of space. Our information, though from a reliable source, is still only second hand information. Once in the corridor things will be far more accessible to our needs."

The brunette found herself leaning against the wall across from the Major, mulling over the response she was given. Something just didn't sit well with her where all of this was concerned, but she couldn't quite place her finger on what it was exactly. "I agree with you there. Now, to the next matter. These ships... since we found out about the issue, there would have to be something left behind. I'm sure these ships must have had a crew at some point, and yet, we haven't been informed of their whereabouts." She pushed herself away from the wall and paced to one side of the office before turning back to Stace again. "And distress calls... surely if they were under attack, distress calls would have been made."

"And they had been. There were a number of distress calls and a handful of survivors, which is how we were able to determine that these raids were in fact taking place. Unfortunately nothing points to the origins of the attackers," Stace explained as she leaned back in her desk chair. "There's potential bad guys on both sides of the fence... each willing to sacrifice the other... but that still doesn't help us too much."

"So, we could very well be dealing with the fact that both the Romulans and Cardassians are doing the raiding in hopes that the other will take the fall..." Shaking her head, Xylia settled down on a chair, not that she would be in it long. There was too much pent up energy coursing through her at the moment. "Then again, there's the possibility that it's someone completely different who wants them both to take the fall. Will we be inspecting these looted ships once we reach our destination?"

The red head frowned a bit. "More than likely not. By the time the Arizona reaches the corridor most of them will have been long gone or already found by someone else. I suspect we'll just have to wait for any new incidents... which I can almost assure you will be happening the minute we arrive."

"Do you think that they'll make an attempt on us?" She was back on her feet again. Perhaps it was all the coffee she drank throughout the day, but she was pretty sure it was from adrenaline. This was going to be a mission to remember for sure. "Perhaps that's the answer right there. What better way to catch a fish than with bait..."

The Major eyed the woman curiously before swinging her legs up onto her desk. "I'm not quite sure how well that would work with us being more or less a Federation warship. I seriously doubt either side would want to risk what ramifications an attack on us would bring. Not to mention I doubt very highly many of them would survive it. I suppose when the time comes we could fathom the possibility of testing the theory out in some manner."

"It isn't an impossible task, but you're right about the Arizona being used. That was quite what I had in mind. Perhaps we could... acquire... a fairly low key vessel and use that. Don't we have a little time before we're supposed to reach our destination? This isn't necessarily impossible." Xylia placed her hands against the Majors desk and leaned forward. "I'd be more than willing to put my own neck on the line."

"About the only vessel that we would get any sort of clearance to use in a situation like this would be our own shuttle crafts and I'm not too keen on how the Captain would react to us possibly wasting one of those. With us being outside Federation space we are more or less on our own," Stace reiterated as she turned her attention briefly towards her console. "Although if something changes I will certainly let you know."

Xylia nodded and stood upright once again. "In the meantime, do you think I should go talk to the Captain about it?"

"That's your decision," the Major informed with a quick wave of her hand. "If you feel it's important enough to discuss with him then you should. If you choose to wait, then that's just as good. You should always trust your instincts."

"I'll wait for the moment and see how things pan out. Thanks for your time. Right now, I'm going to run a few laps before I explode."

And with that, Xylia headed out of the office.


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