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Something worth exploring...

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2011 @ 5:01pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)
Edited on on Sat Apr 9th, 2011 @ 5:07pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Findings'

Captain Nathan Cowell had been mulling over in his head since the second call came in just who would be so ballsy as to attack another ship so soon after the first knowing full well the Arizona would be hot on their tails. This thoughts were in the plural for a reason; it made very little sense for one ship, even if it were far more powerful than the cargo vessels, to cause enough damage in so short a time that the victim vessel could barely get out a call for help before it went up like a tinderbox. It smacked of military precision and a level of tactical expertise that wasn't normally found in normal raiding parties. Nathan would have to remember to bring that up to the Major...

"We're entering the system, Captain," Lieutenant Idrani reported from the forward most bridge console.

Nathan turned back to Ensign Shenk, who was still manning the Tactical Console that he'd taken over from the Petty Officer normally assigned there, "Ensign, what's the situation?"

Ensign Shenk turned to the Captain after he glanced at the Tactical display. "Captain... I'm picking up the MT Hawl... it's blown in half, sir. There's roughly a dozen life boat beacons active in the debris field." He scanned the readings again as the scanners swept the area. "No sign of the attackers, Captain."

'Survivors... good...' Nathan thought to himself before standing up, "Helm, get us within transporter range. Mister Roberts, start beaming the survivors on board."

Nathan took a moment to mull it over before slapping his combadge, "Major DeVries, please come to the bridge for me."

With that said, Nathan turned to Ensign Shenk, "I want you to head down to Transporter Room One and greet everyone we bring aboard and keep them in one place until we have everyone so we can get a feel for who we have worth talking to that can help us figure this shit out. Can you handle that?"

The Ensign snapped to attention. "Yes, Captain!" Inwardly, he wasn't too sure since he was just a mere Ensign, but he wasn't about to let that stop him in anyway. A moment later, he turned and headed off the Bridge onto the turbolift and went to Transporter Room One.

Nathan returned to his seated position and awaited the crew's actions.

Stace had just laid down for a quick power nap when the alarm klaxons startled her to her feet. Reaching down to retrieve her comm badge from the nearby nightstand her eyes lingered momentarily on the set of holo-photos she had sitting there. As she continued to focus on the only picture of her parents she briefly wondered what they would make of her situation. Would they be proud of the girl they orphaned so many years before? Deep down inside she hoped they would be. Her parents had sacrificed everything for her... it was the least she could do for them. Shaking clear the thoughts she snatched the object up and swiftly secured it to her uniform before ordering the computer to dim the lights and exiting through the door.

Several minutes later the Major entered the central brain of the Arizona - various members of the crew scattered in all directions - each intently working on their task in hand.

"That didn't take long," she remarked as she stepped down towards the area the Captain occupied - noticing the non-existing presence of their Executive Officer. "Let me guess. The ship's been blown to hell."

"Not so much, no. We actually have survivors out there this time. I've already dispatched that Ensign of yours... Shrek or something... He's going to be down there with them until we can sort out who knows the most about what happened. I want your department to interview them to get their stories and what have you and Roberts over there can task someone out to find them some place to sleep for the time being," Nathan explained to the Major.

Stace nodded in agreement. "I'm sure Ensign Shenk can handle it just fine... however, just to make sure I'll have Petty Officer Ruiz and Chet give him a hand."

Aiden still found himself working out of the Mission Operations Station in the rear of the Bridge, preferring to let one of his officers man the main operations station in the front, freeing him up to do the Captain's other biddings. While he was more interested in breaking down the sensor data he was skimming over, he turned his attention to the task at hand.

"Bridge to Transporter Room One, Mr. Merriweather, it's about to get crowded down there. I'll start tagging the escape pods with the sensors, bring them aboard at your discretion."

The Lieutenant studied the readings from the pods, reading some life signs to be more faint than other. He tapped his combadge again, "Medical Team to Transporter Room One..."

Nathan watched the scene play out around him for a time before he had a thought, "How intact is that ship? Are there still powered sections, or is it a clean break and a derelict craft?"

Lieutenant Marion was the one actually manning Main Ops next to their Andorian Flight Controller, "The ship isn't under power, and there are no signs of life support or any other emergency systems up. I would say that's a pretty derelict hulk out there. I'm not getting any readings from the core, which means either it shut down when it was cut off from the main computer or the ship wasn't at speed when it was attacked for some reason."

Nathan rolled the information over for a few seconds, "Would it be possible to take a shuttle over there, and send some people out EVA style to check it out? Perhaps bring some portable power generators to get the computer core up and running and find out what they were hauling and where they were going?"

"It should be possible, Captain," Lt. Marion replied from the forward console.

"Major, you know anyone that might want to take a walk outside?" Nathan said, casting a glance over his shoulder at her.

Stace shrugged, "You can always send my assistant over. She's been itching for something to do."

Nathan nodded, "Sounds good. Liz, contact engineering and have them send the little drone on this away mission. He should be good for getting computers going."

"I'm on it, Captain," Lt. Marion nodded, making the appropriate notifications.

"Good," Nathan muttered as he leaned back in his chair, "We're also going to need a shuttle pilot... Ms. Idrani, task someone out for that. I want them to deploy here in the next hour, so make this shit happen."

"Aye," the Andorian nodded.


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