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Breaking News

Posted on Mon May 9th, 2011 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Security Offices - Arizona
Timeline: Following 'An Administrative Conversation'

Xylia found herself side-tracked as she made her way through the doors of the Security offices. She paused just inside the door, looking around the empty but damaged compartment. It bothered her that only hours before she may never have lived to do this simple act. It made her realize that life was indeed a fragile thing, and could be taken away at the drop of a hat, but then the stubborn Commodore stepped in and robbed death of another life. Truth be told, there was no one else on board who she would want operating on her. He was just too damned stubborn to let her or anyone else die while under his care.

She would be eternally grateful to him, and to Ensign Schenk, who also played a key role in her survival. Her words to that same man came back to haunt her. Death was all part of the job. A part of life. Most of the time it was completely unavoidable. This made her realize that more compassion was necessary. One thing she did not want was to be remembered as a callous bitch, but at the same time, she had a job to do.

Xylia didn't plan to stay in Security long. Her main goal was to assess the damage before tracking down the two men she wanted to thank. Once that was done, she planned to gather a few crew members and return to get her department back in working order. There was no way she would let a little pain and discomfort get in the way of her job.

Having left sickbay shortly ago on her own recommendation, Stace S. DeVries decided against a fresh change of clothes for the moment and instead made her way towards what she hoped was still mostly her office. Though she could pull the service record of any member of StarFleet off any computer console she had made several key notes within the one she kept locked behind her closed doors. She would need those notes in order to finish writing her letters of sympathy to the families. It was a tradition she had kept throughout her career and one she would not cease to do now.

Crossing the threshold she halted in her footsteps when she realized the room was not empty and instead hosted an occupant, one she soon realized to be the form of her deputy. "Wasn't expecting to see you here," Stace announced as she moved fully into the room.

"I figured I would come assess the damage before getting a team together to get things back in or...," the Lieutenant said as she turned, looking toward the voice, her words dying on her lips. She had seen many things during her time as a Starfleet officer, but this definitely took the cake. She looked upon her superior officer and fought to keep her composure, gripping the back of the only chair that wasn't over-turned. "Stace... are you okay? Shouldn't you be in sickbay?"

The red head considered her comment for a moment before shaking her aching head. "Nope. I'm breathing... I'm good to go. There are letters to write and services to plan. This is no time for resting on our laurels. However, I suppose since you're here and you seem to be in stable spirits I'm assuming you have yet to hear the news. I recommend you take a seat."

"What news?" Though the moment those words left the Major's mouth, she circled the chair and settled down, giving the red headed woman her complete attention.

Debating which way to go with her next train of thought, Stace simply took a deep breath and went for it. "I am aware that there had been some sort of... relationship between Commander Roberts and yourself. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you... he did not survive the attack. He's gone."

The blood immediately drained from Xylia's face upon hearing Stace's words, causing her to become dizzy and disoriented all over again. It all seemed to be some cruel trick, but the Major had absolutely no reason to lie to her about something so serious. She ran her hands over her face, fighting back the need to cry, but unable to keep them from watering. So many questioned plagued her mind, but based on her superior officer's current state, she didn't want to put that kind of pressure on her. The fact of the matter was that Aiden was dead. A reality that slapped her across the face, making the sore and tender feeling under her ribs become nothing more than a distant memory. She nodded her head and got to her feet, tears in her eyes, but none she would allow to fall. "Thank you, Major." Her voice was soft, almost inaudible.

"I regret I was unable to save him," Stace admitted. "However, I was with him when he passed. He was not alone... he did not suffer. I hope that provides you some comfort."

Xylia turned her attention back to the Major and nodded her head once more, speaking softly. "It does. And I'm grateful that you survived." She moved over to the other woman, patting her arm to offer some kind of comfort.

"Well, at least that makes one of us," Stace forced a small smile. "I'll leave you to your grieving... I'm sure we'll talk again after the service. Again, I'm sorry."

There was only silence then as the two women exchanged glances before they each moved their own ways - Xylia out into the corridor and Stace into what was left of her office. Battle was a harsh reality... all they could do is pick up the pieces.


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