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Ball Busting and Mess Hall Hunting

Posted on Sun May 22nd, 2011 @ 4:07pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Major Jake Harper

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to 'Beyond the Union Gateway'

The Major creased his hands down the front and sides of his flight suit before tapping the panel on the side of the Ready Room controls.

=Thirty minutes earlier=

Three small support craft came out of warp. The two smaller craft were sleek in profile, as though designed to optimize aerodynamics. The two small craft banked to the side in unison, flashing the distinctive appearance of Starfleet's Valkyrie-class fighters. The pair maneuvered along side the Prometheus-Class vessel, followed by a small long range shuttle craft.

"Arizona this is Valkyrie Two Six Nebula Four Nine call sign Ghost, requesting permission to come aboard." The Major said calmly, concealing his impatience as he cracked his neck to the side and stretched his aching muscles. Truth be told, he was used to longer journeys in a cockpit more confined that this, however they usually were more eventful. Still, having traveled sixteen hours without interruption or complication was most likely in the best interests of this small convoy of transfers, especially in the rather eventful theater of operations called 'The Corridor'.

Jake's mind wondered for a moment as he looked out the viewpoint as the Arizona. The ship's hull looked recently patched and repaired, much like healing bruises on a body freshly pummeled by an opponent. This ship had only been in the region for a short period of time, but it seemed that it wasn't spared the welcoming hospitality the locals are so famous for.

"Valkyrie Two Six Nebula Four Nine, this is Shuttle Bay Flight Operations. The Bridge has cleared you boarding. Your fighters are a little bigger than what we are used to landing in here. We'll take you in one at a time, and clear you off to the side. Stand-by for landing plan."

"Affirmative Flight, take in the shuttle and the other fighter first. I can wait." Jake said before closing the channel. He began making passive scans of the area, before matching course and speed.

=Outside Commodore Cowell's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona=

The Marine stood before the door silently for a stretch of time not normally experienced when people approached most Captain's Ready Rooms. Indeed, the man had to reach out and hit the alert console button a second time before the voice of the man with the compartment could be heard bellowing "Come!" in a loud and irritated voice. The doors parted and the Major was allowed entry, as well as a glimpse at the Commodore who resided within. The sour expression on his face was a testament to both his irritated state at being disturbed, and by someone who he did not know.

"Can I help you?" Nathan asked in a huff.

"Major Jacob Harper reporting for duty, Commodore." It was a generic response that he was sure that older flag officer had most likely heard one too many times, but it sounded better than "Hi, your door is broke."

The Major approached the desk, extending both hands. One was an open hand, offered as a both a greeting and as a sign of respect for the man he would be working closely with. The other hand contained the transfer orders for both him and his marines that had accompanied him.

"Heard you needed a real ball buster in the chair next to you out there..." Harper finally said, gesturing back towards the Bridge with a head nod.

Nathan took the offered PADD and shook the offered hand briefly before point to the chair behind the Marine, "Take a seat, Mister Harper."

The Commodore looked over the PADD, noting that the man had brought a small compliment of Marines aboard, designated the 1077th. The number brought a smirk to the old man's lips, "One-oh-seventy-seventh, eh? Was in a unit by that number many many years ago. Good outfit, plenty of guts and gusto to go around. So, what makes you qualified to ride shotgun on my boat, other than obvious uniform implications."

Harper studied the man for a few moments before responding. He had heard a lot about the newly promoted Commodore in both official and unofficial channels. His wit and general show of disregard had proceeded actually meeting him.

"Truth be told you're heading into the unknown. I've had my hands in a lot of pots. I have a background in Intelligence and Strategic Operations. I commanded a ship in one of the first task forces through the Bajoran Wormhole after the conflict ended with the Dominion. I'm a hard ass who demands the best from those around me. I get shit done and most importantly I am a Marine. You're a tough advisory out in the field from what I have heard. I'm here to help you antagonize anyone we might run into who... might not want to play nice with this fine ship of yours."

For the most part, what Jake had said was true. He did some digging around in his posting on board the Arizona before actually setting his own feet on her decks. The scuttlebutt around the fleet was that the Arizona had a steadfast and capable leader, but the addition of a strict subordinate would definitely increase their future successes. Jake assumed it might add some Ying to the Medical Doctor's Yang.

"Personally, I didn't chose to be here. But what I can tell you about myself is I follow orders. I'll play devils advocate with you from time to time, but what you say flies with me. You can expect the same from my men."

Nathan chuckled, "You remind me of a man I once served with back in WW2. Good man, reliable as all hell... Maybe he's an ancestor of yours. Either way, I think you'll fit in, Major. You need anything from me, or do you want to get settled in first and ask questions later?"

"I'll settle in first. No use in fixing what isn't broken yet." Jake stood, giving a curt nod and heading for the door. He paused, and turned. "Which way is the Mess?"

"Down the turbolift, first door on your right. Can't miss it, and if you do, just follow the smell of the slop back the other way," Nathan said, waving the man off to get his chow.


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