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Those might have been fighting words

Posted on Sun May 22nd, 2011 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Darek Halsey

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: After "Clandestine Conversations"

With the Arizona finally arriving at Starbase 900 there was much to be done amongst both crews of the Arizona and Casey in order to prepare for their selective roles in the upcoming battle of good versus evil. Near the top of that list was the obvious personnel exchange that was common upon supply stops. Though the Arizona had received a great deal of help thanks to Commodore Pike due to their recent losses they would definitely be needing some additional individuals and so that brought the pending transfer lists to the Lieutenant Colonel. Scanning them over with ease nothing seemed to strike her as out of the ordinary until her eyes settled on two names - Harper and Halsey. Had the fates not punished her enough? Surely, this had to be some sick joke... perhaps Crusty had yet to let her previous pranks go. Well, there was only one way to find out. Track them down and ask her. First on the agenda? One Lieutenant Commander Darek Halsey.

Darek stood in the middle of the holodeck, his body was dripping with sweat and carrying a number of new cuts and bruises. His fists were in front of his face as he ducked another kick thrown by his holographic opponent. His first stop after his talk with the Commodore had been his new quarters to change into his preferred martial arts training gear. He dogged jab this time, and responded with a knee to the kidney and a move for a grapple attack, until his attention was pulled to the now open door of the holodeck and the woman standing in it. "Pause program," Darek said as he released the hologram before it disappeared. "How can I help the Major this evening," Darek inquired as he turned away from the door and grabbed both his water bottle and a towel which he draped over his shoulders.

"It's Colonel now," Stace corrected with a scowl. "Against my will, unfortunately. Nevertheless, I had some rosters showing you were back onboard and I just had to come confirm it for myself. I am... surprised... to be honest. I thought you had left us for greener pastures. What changed?"

"I refused my orders and was stripped of commission and everything else." He replied with a harsh tone, "I contacted the Cap... Commodore and he said he'd see if he could help me. I'm here in civilian fashion, as a contractor of sorts to help out the Ensign running Intel." He finished standing back from the Colonel. "I take it your not pleased I'm back?" He added his tone still hard and uninviting.

"I said surprised, not unpleased," Stace retorted as she stepped further into the room. "I'm actually kinda glad to see you... if you must know. I've been dealing with some... unprofessional incompetence... as of late."

"Sounds the same to me." Darek replied with a soft chuckle, "And as for the unprofessional incompetence," He said with a set of air quotes. "That sounds like a personal problem, as is how the hell does that make you glad I'm back?!" He insisted.

Stace raised an eyebrow and focused her one good eye on the man. "Well I had thought about giving you a compliment citing what I believed to be your intelligence and how it would be useful to have again... yet for some... bizarre... reason I'm beginning to reconsider."

"Now why is that!?" He said chuckling, "Don't like my sarcasm?"

The woman shook her head slowly. "I think nearly losing my head affected certain parts of my brain. Still, I am glad you're back. I have a feeling we'll be working together a bit here and there. That is, unless you object?"

"As long as I'm not stuck in a brig or in a hollowed out torp in space, your damn right I'll be around to help." Darek replied as he extended his hand and his tone lightening. "Any time you need a beat up and burnt out old filed agent, let me know I'll be around."

Stace grinned and nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me. If you need anything just let me know."

"Will do... Colonel." Darek replied as he gave the woman a nod and exited into the hallway, he had a few things to check in on before he truly began to settle in on the Arizona.


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