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Giving In

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 11:56am by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: USS Arizona: Various
Timeline: Sometime after "Getting Underway"

= Deck Seven; USS Arizona =

Newly appointed Lieutenant Xylia M. Lischka walked out of the Security proud of her accomplishments. Insanely long hours and the help of the small crew she enlisted to aid her had finally paid off. The department was back in working order. Fatigue and sheer exhaustion were beginning to set in, making it almost impossible for her to see straight, much less walk. A few times as she moved down the corridor, she stopped herself just before walking into a wall or some other object.

After the third time of having to stop herself, she placed her hand against the wall of the corridor and closed her eyes, trying to gather her bearings. Even standing was beginning to feel like a chore. When was the last time she slept? She couldn't exactly remember, but she was fairly certain it was well over seventy-two hours ago, and now, her body was starting to feel the effects.

"C'mon, Xylia... You can do this."

Did she just talk to herself?

Now she was beginning to hallucinate.

The Lieutenant pushed herself away from the wall and took another step forward. All she needed to do was make it to her quarters, then she could crawl into bed and hide from the rest of the crew until she needed to start her next shift. When was that again? Now her memory was beginning to suffer. A wave of dizziness so great engulfed her, turning the area she was in completely upside down. She reached out to catch herself, but was just too late. The lights above her began to dim just before total darkness consumed her, leaving her unconscious and on the floor.

Ensign Marc Schenk had just left the Mess Hall between doing his interviews with the Intelligence Department, his mind wandering from subject to subject about what he had read and learned since his change to Intel. He almost didn't see Lieutenant Lischka until he was almost on top of her. "Lieutenant?" He asked. Perhaps she was drunk or someone had hurt her; whatever the case was, he decided that the best course of action was to check her.

Kneeling down, he checked her pulse with two fingers at her left wrist. Satisfied that she was breathing and her heart rate was near normal. he lifted her in his arms and headed to the turbolift. "Just hang on, Lieutenant. I'll have help for you in just a minute." He hoped that it wasn't something due to the incident after the Romulan attack; him and the Commodore had patched her up then and he didn't want to think that he had caused some ill effect by not knowing what he was doing.

= Sick Bay; U.S.S. Arizona =

Stepping out of the turbolift and heading into Medical, he looked around with Lieutenant Lischka in his arms. "I need a medic!"

Looking up from his desk, Lieutenant Junior Grade Kar'G looked up. "Then you are in the right place," he rumbled as he came to his feet. "Please, place the patient on that biobed." He pointed to one that was unoccupied as he grabbed his medical tricorder and headed over to them.

Ensign Schenk placed Lieutenant Lischka on the bio-bed. "I found her unconscious in the corridor on Deck Seven. She's recently had surgery after the incident with the Romulans."

"I'll take it from here, Ensign," Kar'G said as he ran the tricorder over her unconscious form and activated the Biocomputer. Checking the screen, he looked at the Ensign. "She is exhausted. You may go. I will handle this." He stated, seeing Marc was still standing there.

"I can help out where needed. I helped Commodore Cowell fix her when she was hurt. Just tell me what you want." Marc said, not moving.

"Very well, Kar'G grunted. "Get me a hypospray with Masiform D." He decided that he would give her a stimulant at first to ask what the events were surrounding her collapse.

Marc went to the supplies and looked over the selection until he saw one labeled Masiform D. Retrieving it, he went back to the Klingon Doctor and handed it to him. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No," Kar'G stated. "Do you know this woman?" He asked as he applied the hypospray and waited for the Lieutenant to regain consciousness.

"She is the Assistant Chief of Security and my former direct boss." Marc told him as he stood to the side.

The Lieutenant stirred around on the bio-bed with a groan, trying to clear the haze from her mind. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked up at the two faces hovering over her. One belonged to a man she knew, while the other... did not. She brought a hand to her head and sat up slowly, trying to make heads or tails of her current situation, and just why she was in sickbay. "What's going on here?"

Dr. Kar'G ran his tricorder over her, checking her symptoms on the biocomputer monitor. Looking back at her, he attempted a smile. "I am Doctor Kar'G, and you, Lieutenant, are in Sick Bay. The Ensign here," He indicated Marc. "found you unconscious in the corridor on Deck Seven. My readings indicate that you were suffering from exhaustion. What occurred prior to this?"

Marc stood off to the side, watching as his former ACOS regained consciousness, letting his breath out as she came around.

"You just said I was exhausted, and I was already aware of that. I don't need medical treatment." Xylia said, swinging her legs over the side of the bio-bed. "Now, if you'll excuse me... there's a bed with my name on it."

Satisfied that there were no other conditions which would have come up on the biocomputer, Dr. Kar'G nodded. "I will have to file a report with Lieutenant Serran, and I'm sure it will go to the Commodore. I highly recommend that you take more breaks as they become available and stop exerting yourself until you have to. Your medical chart indicates a recent surgery and despite your otherwise excellent physical condition, no one can operate around the clock without rest. Do you understand me, Lieutenant?"

Ensign Schenk shook his head as he watched his former ASOC swing her legs off the side of the bed, but there was nothing he could do to keep her in Sickbay. "Do you want me to escort you back to your quarters, Lieutenant Lischka?"

"No, thank you, but I appreciate the offer. I'm actually feeling a little better now, though I'm not sure what you did." The Lieutenant said, getting to her feet. "I'm going to check out some of the progress on the other departments before I go back to my own quarters. Thank you, Doctor. Ensign, thank you as well."

"Perhaps you didn't understand me, Lieutenant. I'm ordering you to get rest. If you insist on pushing yourself even further, your body is going to collapse again after the Masiform D wears off." The Klingon crossed his arms and gave her a soft glare that was his version of a friendly bedside manner.

Marc decided that it was best if he let the Doctor handle the situation. "Very well, Lieutenant." He turned and exited Sickbay, seeing that his help was no longer needed.

Xylia straightened out her uniform and looked toward the doctor. "I heard what you said, Doctor, and I'm fairly certain you heard what I said as well. You were speaking plain English, as was I, though, I could repeat myself in Klingon if it tickles your fancy. If it makes you feel better, I'll leave the departments alone for now, but there is someone I wish to check up on before I undoubtedly sleep for a week. Do I have your medical clearance to at least do that?"

Kar'G eyed her, trying to decide what to do with this human female. Finally he nodded. "Yes, but if I see you in here under the same conditions, I will recommend that you be placed on Medical Leave until further notice. Is that understood?"

"Medical leave... got it. Thanks."

With that, the woman walked out of sickbay and paused outside the door for a moment. She shook her head. That new Doctor was going to be a pain in the ass. She could already tell.


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