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I Spy a New Eye!

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 10:51am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Serran

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Sickbay - USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Is there a Doctor in the house?'

Though she was never one to necessarily complain too much about pain at any given moment, Stace S. DeVries couldn't help but shake the extreme annoyance that came with being for all intents and purposes completely blind in one eye. In fact, she compared it to the likes of having an itch to scratch that she just couldn't quite reach. Though the medical staff on the Casey had offered their assistance in conducting the surgery that would give her the use of an ocular implant in the end the Lieutenant Colonel had decided against it. Yet, after having browsed the background of the Arizona's resident Vulcan doctor the red head wondered if he himself might be up for the task instead of waiting for their arrival to Starbase 900.

"Anyone home?" she called out as she entered between the doors that made entrance into the main waiting area of Sickbay.

Serran turned at the sound of the query and saw the Arizona's Chief of Security enter. The Vulcan, momentarily finished with his latest task, took a couple of strides towards the officer and greeted her.

"Colonel DeVries," Serran said. "How may I assist you?"

Taking a deep breath the woman raised her head to meet his gaze. "As you may or may not know... considering how insane this room was directly following the aftermath of the battle with the Romulans... I seemed to have misplaced an eye. Commander Thornton on the Casey was kind enough to offer her own assistance in the surgical procedure of implanting an ocular device but I opted against it for various reasons. However, I was wondering if perhaps this was something you had knowledge in accomplishing?"

Serran pondered the request for a moment as he escorted the Lieutenant Colonel to his office, offering more privacy. Once inside, and seats were sat in, the doctor activated his monitor and called up DeVries' medical history.

"I do, Colonel, have the skills to perform that which you ask," Serran stated, calling up more information on his computer. "During a surgical rotation, I performed two such procedures on humans to a more than satisfactory end. When would you like to proceed?"

Stace smiled a bit at the news. This was most welcomed indeed! "As soon as possible... if that's alright with you. As I'm sure you can imagine it's been rather... unpleasant to deal with and I'd rather it be over with."

"I understand," Serran said, then added, "There are two standard ocular implant units in storage at the moment. I will need to perform a complete physical first, however, as well as some testing to ensure the implant will be compatible with your biology. However, since the unit was originally built with humans in mind, I foresee little in the way of issues. One other question I would ask is, would you be comfortable with me asking our soon to be new surgeon, Lieutenant Kar'G, to assist me in performing this surgery?"

Serran, unfortunately, didn't know much about Lieutenant(jg) Kar'G as he was extremely new to the crew. The vulcan knew that the klingon was supposed to be transferring over from the USS Casey soon so Serran was interested in seeing the surgeon perform on a personal level. Something as intricate as the implantation of an ocular device was always better performed with two doctors. If DeVries wasn't comfortable with Kar'G then he could always ask Doctor Valdor.

"That's fine," Stace reassured with a small smile. "I have no doubt that you're both highly capable of conducting the required steps to completing this procedure. Just let me know what needs to be done and I'll help you do it. I'm grateful for your assistance... it saves me from additional stress." And it was true. The woman was beyond excited to have the doctor's help.

"Very well. We will tentatively schedule the surgery for tomorrow morning," Serran stated. "As for your physical, if you have the time right now, I can have it completed in ten minutes."

The red head nodded quickly. "Works for me. The sooner the better. Shall we?"


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