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Welcome to Her Dungeon

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2011 @ 1:49pm by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Lieutenant JG Ryan Rose

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Previously

Torrna sat at the CMO's desk, having just signed off on the latest checkups on the recoverees. It was a slow time of day in Sickbay, and she could finally sit down and do some paperwork or she'd have hell to hear from Serran when he came back. Vulcan hell anyway. Which, when you through about it could be even worse seeing as how deep down inside Vulcans were even more violent that Klingons at times, they just hid it so damn well.

So, with a sip of her coffee she started reading the first PaDD she had to process.

Ryan Rose had completed his first bridge shift; it had been an experience. A new duty that still lay before him was his medical. His transfer orders had specifically stated that he must report to Sickaby at the earliest convenience for a full medical. Therefore after a light lunch in the Mess Hall he had reported to Sickbay. Upon entering Sickbay he found the room deserted.

Maliya had heard the door swoosh open and she poked her head from behind a door to the left, "Hi, welcome to the dungeon, what can I do you for?"

Oh yey, one of the greens came in. The kid didn't look Marine in any way, save the color of the turtleneck. Poor sod. She couldn't help but wonder for a moment if he'd maybe mis-replicated it or something as she waited for a reply.

Rose stood to attention. "Sir. First Lieutenant Ryan Rose reporting for physical as ordered."

Torrna sighed, "Mister Rose...I am your senior officer, but I'm also the Duty Doctor at the moment. I'm a Doctor first though, so don't salute me again please." she said as she walked over to him, observing him.

"Sir. Yes sir." Ryan replied, his Starfleet Marine Corps training hung about his person as tight as his uniform.

~He's a kid...Prophets, who do they train these days to be a warrior~ she thought then mentally bit her tongue as she thought of her own history. She was even younger when she'd started fighting with the Resistance.

"You're here for the physical?"

"Yes sir. As ordered sir." Rose replied.

Maliya sighed again, "For crying out loud kid, cut the crap. Doctor, nothing more." she looked at him with an exasperated expression on her face. Those new kids always wanted to impress and stuff, shit, it was annoying was what it was, not impressive in the slightest. "On the bed then..." she motioned to Bio Bed 1 as she went over and wheeled an instrumet tray back with her.

As the doctor told him to cut the crap, a subversive smile crossed Ryan's face. He knew that life aboard starship was the soft option compared to the Corps. However he had not expected the discipline to be so lax. He jumped up on the bio bed, complying with the doctor's instructions.

"Alright...since your last physical any changes? Any injuries, maladies, illnesses, old injuries acting up or intespecies sex that I should be aware of?" she asked as she calibrated her tricorder to scan him.

Was he to comment about the lack of discipline, she would tell him she didn't care about the military titles. For all she cared she could be a mere crewman, in her mind Maliya was a Doctor, first and foremost, all this military crap, she didn't care. She was god while anyone was in Sickbay for medical reasons, military regulations be damned.

"I broke my arm two months ago on a training exercise, but it hasn't played up since it was treated." Ryan replied, "And there was a Bajoran woman during a shoreleave." He looked away Torrna as he spoke, embarrassed to be discussing something so private in such a public place.

Maliya nodded, noticing how he shied away from the topic. "Mister Rose..." she leaned in and said in a hushed voice, "Honestly? I don't really care to know, but it's protocol. It's something I need to be aware of, just in case. It goes no further from me." she said, trying her best to sound sympathetic.

With that said, she resumed scanning him. So far, everything checked out, this young strapping fellow was in peak physical condition it looked.

Ryan looked Torrna straight in the nose. "It's not shame, it's just some things are private." Privacy in the Marine Corps had been a precious commodity. "Don't say I've got a nasty case of Bajoran herpes." The beginnings of a smile started to turn up on the corners of his mouth.

Maliya chuckled, "Nah, you're fine. Everything checks out so far. I should be done with you in a few minutes." she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement, "So, what department are you with? The Marine contingent itself or seconded to another department?"

She'd almost said 'actual department' instead of 'another department' but she'd stopped herself in time.

Ryan smiled. "I'm a Tactical Officer, answering to DeVries and Lischka... so I'm not technically part of the Marine Detachment." He paused, "Although if needs must..." he let his reply trail off as he thought how easily an administrative slight of hand could push him back into the regular corps. His was a secondment only after all.

Maliya nodded, wondering how much actual experience he had, given his age.

"Oh well...a job is a job." she shrugged. "Well... scan's say you're good." she said as she closed the tricorder.

Ryan smiled. "Is that all doc?"

Maliya nodded, "Yup, go do your thing and don't come back anytime soon unless it's to ask me for drinks or food, you hear?" she quirked an eyebrow as the corners of her mouth tugged into a small smile.

Ryan blushed as he hopped down from the bio bed. "Yes sir." He said as he saluted sharply before double timing it out of sickbay before the doctor could apprehend him.


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