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Old Friends Meet Again

Posted on Wed Jul 13th, 2011 @ 10:10am by Major Jake Harper & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Armory
Timeline: Following 'A Helping Hand'

Harper set down the microdyne coupler onto the floor next him, as he laid on his back waist deep inside of a bulk head. Since offering his assistance in repairs throughout the ship, Jake had become quite familiar with the layout of the Arizona in a short time. Still, while he was able to contribute to the repair effort, there were still a great many issues and tasks that needed addressed. The secondary command processors in Armory Two should have been on the top of that list, at least in the eyes of the Major. Were this section to sustain anymore damage in the near future, virtually anyone could override the small arms locker access codes. Even though he found some small bit of comfort knowing that the high yield explosives in the storage lockers across the room were safely locked down, he still would sleep better at night knowing that a boarding party would still have bring their own weapons on board.

Having confirmed with the computer the location of the Major, Stace made her way to the man's location and felt a small smirk cross her lips at the sight of the marine hard at work. "How's it going down there?" she questioned as she got a bit closer. "Got bored with the bombs already?"

Jake paused for a moment, as looked at his tricorder. "Now I know that voice.." It was only a matter of time before their paths would cross, and with the most recent Away Mission, the two old friends had yet to catch up since Jake had boarded the Arizona.

"No the bombs are secured... and if they were to go off we most likely wouldn't be around to say oops. But I happen to like the concept of waking up in the morning without a phaser pointed in my face before I have my coffee. Besides, someone has to make sure that security procedures are followed up on..." He smirked, full well knowing no one could see his expression anyway. "Oh wait, as Chief of Security that's your job!"

Laughing, Stace felt her head beginning to shake. "What? You didn't hear the news? I totally quit that job. Not being allowed to drink heavily while on duty sort of ruined the moment for me. Perhaps I'll come bother you down here instead!"

"Curses come in all shapes and sizes these days it seems..." Jake said as he finished up, and crawled out of the hatch he was working in. "So ... 'Colonel' ... whats the scoop on ...what'd the Lieutenant down the hall call him... 'Cowbell'?"

"Ah yes, the crusty one," she confirmed as she gave her old friend the 'glance over'. "He's not too bad... considering some of the people we've worked with... means well... ornery as fuck... but he likes to kick some ass so I can appreciate that. I think you'll like him. However... I'd like to know how the hell you ended up here of all places."

"The Delta Quadrant and the unknown blah blah blah." Jake started as he replaced the bulkhead hatch before finally standing, and wiping the dirt from his hands on the thighs of his uniform. "I was working on anti-piracy operations in the Corridor, mostly on the Cardassian end of things. Intelligence gathering and analysis. They're a bunch of shady bastards as we both well know, but I got pulled to come here." He started cleaning up the tools and equipment strewn about on the floor, replacing in the engineering kit neatly.

"I'm assuming Starfleet wants to establish a forward Marine facility in this region of space. If you recall, I was lucky enough to venture in with one of the first conveys into the Gamma Quadrant after the war to do that very same thing. It hasn't been anything I've seen in writing, but we've been at this a while. I'm sure if the proper opportunity or site comes up in our travels out here, we'll be asked our opinion by a General or two about the viability of placing such a facility out here."

"How's about you? Who on the Arizona pissed someone off enough to send them you?" Jake said with a playful sneer.

Stace feigned a look of hurt as she began to pace around to get a better look of the place. "I kinda blew up another ship. It seems the upper brass still looks down on that sorta thing. Of course, I was probably doing them a favor in the long run... but they still decided a demotion from command would be torturous enough. You know how it goes."

"I know... I 'heard'..." Jake said, tapping one of his ears sarcastically. He had a tendency to keep tabs on old friends. "How are the kids...?"

"You know kids... driving me into a coma... luckily I only have one on this ship," she admitted with a look of relief. "I have enough drama going on than to deal with that fiasco. I'm sure you heard all the gossip."

"Interesting, but for once I haven't heard. I don't pay much mind to gossip, unless I'm starting it." Harper replied briefly. "It could be worse I suppose.."

Stace nodded as she crossed her arms slowly across her chest. "Honestly I think it might be... we're dealing with Section 31 and 8472. I'm not exactly expecting a picnic to come from this."

Harper was definitely surprised now. Throw in the Borg and you might just have the makings of a really bad day. "Wait what?"

"We've heard on rather good information that 8472 is planning a move against us... and the section can't resist trying to control it," Stace explained. "We're going to be in for a shit storm of the worse kind. Glad to be here now?'

"Shit, it's not like I have a choice one way or another. Besides, while I don't particularly care for the 31 guys, I have always wanted to go toe to toe with one of those two meter tall ...things.."

Jake finished packing up his gear, deciding to call it at day before heading up to meet with the Commodore. "I've got a meet and greet with the boss, but care to introduce me around later? Knowing you, you've made all the right friends on board.." He said with a grin.

"If you can call them that," she retorted with a laugh. "But yeah... we'll handle it later on. Good luck with Cowbell... hope you make it out with a better nickname than the rest of us."


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