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To Friendship

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 10:31am by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: following 'Ours Is Not To Reason Why'

Xylia walked out of her quarters after a shower and much needed sleep, among some other things. Now, she felt it necessary to head down to sickbay to visit her Andorian friend who looked a bit like death warmed over the last time she saw her. With any luck, she would be allowed to have visitors. Even if she couldn't, the human woman would likely see her anyway.

Moving through the hall and various decks, Lieutenant Lischka paused outside the entrance to sickbay, having missed Aral by mere minutes. The last time she was this close to this department, she required emergency surgery to repair a tear to her liver. That memory sent a shiver down her spine and a phantom pain in the area where a scar should have been. Cowell was a damn good doctor. There was no traces of the trauma she had undergone mere weeks ago. If this Commanding Officer thing didn't work out for him, he had something to work on, though he definitely needed to work on the whole bedside manner thing.

Drawing the attention of the first person she came across, she cleared her throat. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani?" She waited for the response to come.

Maliya was talking to one of the Nurses when a gold collared Lieutenant stopped another Nurse and asked about the Andorian. The Bajoran nodded to the nurse and dismissed her.

"I'm Doctor Torrna, Lieutenant Idrani's physician, and you would be?" she asked, looking at the younger woman with mild interest.

This must have been one of the Away Team members, or a friend of Idrani's who'd been on the ship. By the anxious look in the woman's eyes, Maliya judged the former. All well and good, but she wasn't going anywhere before introductions were made.

"Lieutenant Xylia Lischka, Assistant Chief of Security." She stated, her German accent a little thicker than normal. "I'm a friend of Lieutenant Idrani's, and I was on the away mission. I saw what shape she was in, and if it's at all possible, I would like to see her if she's allowed to have visitors. If not, perhaps an exception could be make?"

Maliya nodded, silently wondering about the strange accent, "She's been patched up, a few hours out of surgery, so keep it brief, okay? She's already had a few visitors, so a few minutes and then she needs to rest." she motioned for Xylia to follow her.

"I'll keep it brief. I just want to see her and make sure she's okay with my own eyes." The Lieutenant said, following the Doctor.

She guided the young woman over to the Andorian's biobed. "Ms Idrani...up for another visitor?" she asked in a quiet voice as she briefly checked the woman's vitals.

One antennae curiously extended itself in the direction of the Doctor like a child pretending to be asleep with one eye open, then slowly the other antennae extended from her head and towards the doctor before Xishaal seemed to awaken "...Docthor Thorma?" the Andorian asked, still recovering from her numerous injuries. Slowly lifting her chin and opeinning her eyes which became brighter as she regarded Leiutenant Lischka. "...Leeshi-ka! What are you dooing here!" she managed to say as if her tongue were several times it's normal size "...It iss s-sso good thu thee you!" she managed to say holding her hands out to greet the woman.

Xylia gave the Andorian woman lying on the bed and warm smile, moving into the room. "It's good to see you, too, though I would have liked it to be under better circumstances. How are you feeling?"

Maliya looked down at Idrani as she finished taking notes. "Don't move around too much. Everything's freshly patched up. I'll be outside if you need me." to Lischka, she said, "Fifteen minutes, Ms Lischka."

With a nod to both women, Maliya withdrew for the time being.

"Thank you, Doctor." She smiled at the doctor, though she was unlikely to see it, then took a seat next to the bed Idrani was lying on. Her smile faded, however. "If I could get my hands on them..."

Xishaal waited until the doctor left the room before commenting, her tone changed to one of absolute seriousness "...If I could get my hands on the 15 who waited until I was held down!..." she added, removing her apparent lisp from her speech. "..there are at least four who will never see another sun rise and another two who will have scars in places they'll never fully explain.." she added

"Good, then they'll never forget what happened." Xylia said softly. She placed her hand over Xishaal's, being mindful of any injuries of medical equipment that might be in that area. "How are you feeling?"

"..melted, or, worn down as you humans say! Mr. Aral was just here I think actually..."

"He was, hm?" Xylia didn't really appear to be any different physically, but her pulse picked up a bit at the memories. "I'm sure he wanted to make sure that you were okay. We're all worried about you."

Xishaal looked at her friend and laughed "...I'm sure he was, though he did look like he'd hadn't had much sleep though...I detected the slight smell of alcohol in his system too."

"Oh, well, you know how things go when there's alcohol involved." The human Lieutenant stated, trying to keep from laughing as well. Given the circumstances, she was pleased to see the Andorian woman laughing. It let her know that she was truly okay despite all the injuries she sustained. "There definitely won't be any wedding bells or anything of the sort, so try not to read too much into it."

"...Increased heart rate, obvious evasiveness, sudden increase in the capillaries, creating an appearance of flushed skin..perhaps there is an epidemic going around that I should be wary of?" Xishaal said, her eyes narrowing to thin silvery slits as she peered at Lischka "....I haven't seen you this....relaxed since....well it was sometime when I first came aboard!!" she smiled "..Anyway, I have no chance of catching what the two of you have come down with.." looking down she fidgeted with her bandages as she regarded the bruising on her knuckles "..He's an attractive man and probably a welcome distraction, a bit too serious for my taste, had to fake like I needed to sleep just to break the rant he'd started about political motives!"

Xishaal smiled, "..Its not like I could put some latinum on that tray and tell him to be out by 0400!"

"Xishaal, you are something else. And this is why I adore you." Xylia said with a giggle. The bruises and bandages still bothered her, but she was starting to ease up a bit due to Idrani's current demeanor. "It has been a little while since I've felt so calm and collected, but I'm not reading too much into it. We're all allowed to have an off day once in a while, and I think this one is mine. No worries! I'll be back to normal in no time." She smiled and bent down to press a soft kiss to Xishaal's forehead. "Like I said, though... there won't be any wedding bells."

Xishaal welcomed what probably was her closest contact with another crewman since coming aboard the Arizona "...I think I started to threaten him if he ever did anything to cause you pain...but I didn't quite get out how slowly his death would be should that happen!" Xishaal smiled. looking over Lischka's shoulder to make sure that the doctor wasn't listening in she leaned forward a bit. "...If she knew that my tongue is completely healed I'd have to talk more about my personal feelings and share stories about how hard it was growing up in a lab with a few thousand brothers and sisters!" The Andorian rolled her eyes at the thought.

"..Nice woman, I wonder how long before she reports while doing the Long walk" Xishaal replied, realizing that the translation was probably lost on the woman "...walk of shameful regret?" she recalled sighing

"..You know more than anyone that the..rules don't apply quite so fairly along gender lines, I entered the guard with a class of 400 and am not ashamed to admit that in actuality, I was not the best!" Xishaal paused for a moment to play with her antennae for a moment "...but knowing how susceptible we Andorains are to alcohol helped me move ahead of many of my rivals!!" she winked at the woman "...which reminds me, I have something that I, haven't had a need for, a bottle of Andorian brand! I really can't drink it but I want you to have it!"

Xylia sat and listened intently while the Andorian woman spoke, giving the occasional nod. She did understand the fine line between that of men and women, which is why she continued to bust her ass. There was the need to prove that she was just as good, if not better, than most of the males on board the ship. Of course, she was more than certain that most, or even all, of them would object with a vengeance. "I think you're safe from the doctor for the moment, but I know she'll be coming in here soon to boot me out. I was only allowed to see you for fifteen minutes. But, when you're out of here, we'll have more time to sit and talk. As for the Andorian brandy... why don't we save that and drink it together?"

"Hah! you don't want to see me after two glasses! I wish I had brought some to Archadia, I seem so much more...willing and eager to fight after a few drinks!..." Xishaal shook her head smiling "...I but they would've probably done much worse to me then I had done to them if I had.." she said solemnly.

At this moment Maliya chose to reenter. "I'm not shoving you out just yet, Ms. Lischka, just came to check on my patient."

Maliya HAD heard the lisp mysteriously disappear, but she wasn't going to comment on it in front of Lischka, this was between her and Idrani.

Xylia gave Idrani's hand a gentle pat. "Don't think about it that right now. Just concentrate on getting better, then we can raise some hell. I'd like to see you with a couple drinks in you." She then turned her attention the doctor and offered her a polite smile. "Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate you letting me spend a little time here with her."

Maliya nodded, "No worries, Ms. Lischka. Get yourself checked out by the way. And don't even start saying 'Oh no, I'm fine'. Take whichever medic you want and get yourself checked out by the end of the day. Alright?" she looked over at the Security woman with a smile.

"I'll do that before I leave. You have my word." Xylia stated.

Maliya nodded, "Works for me."

"...I appreciate you coming to see me, It's made me rethink how i've isolated myself from the rest of the crew, more like insulated myself from anything that wasn't related to my department." Xishaal smiled and swallowed hard. "....I'll look forward to having a..sip of brandy with you soon Lischka.."

Still smilling warmly, she turned her head towards the other woman "...Doctor,.....How much free time have you had since coming aboard?" Xishaal added "..You should meet with us sometime, get to know the rest of the crew outside of what's in our medical files..."

Maliya looked between Idrani and Lischka and chuckled, "Free time? I don't know what that means." she said in jest, "Sure, getting together sounds good." she offered a smile to both women.

She was surprised at herself. Socializing like that was never her thing, but as the Andorian asked, she found herself eager to go, and happy to accept. She found herself longing for non work related company. Was this one of those things people called change? Time would tell.

Xylia returned their smiles. She was actually looking forward to the Girls Night Out. They could all use it after what recently went down. "I'm looking forward to it, but in the meantime, I'm going to let you rest so you can be out of here that much quicker." She lowered her lips to Xishaal's forehead again. "I'll see you again soon." After straightening up, she looked at the doctor. "Thank you for taking such good care of her. Excuse me, ladies." With that, the Lieutenant offered them both another smile, patted Idrani's hand gently and departed.

Xishaal watched her depart and smiled, feeling much more relaxed than she'd ever had in months "....Doctor, a word of advice.....Don't let your job become your life, things have a way of shooting past you at Transwarp speeds and if you don't take the time, you'll miss out. It wasn't until Lischka was here in this very room, laying here, that I realized the mistakes I'd made in isolating myself.."

Her smiles slowly changing to puzzlement as she looked up at her antennae " there some reason why I can only move one of them at a time doctor?..."

Maliya chuckled, "You may be onto something Ms. Idrani," she said, referring to the Andorian's advice, "As for your antenna, you'll get your motor control back soon. You're fresh out of surgery, give yourself some time to get back on the horse, yeah? Now, get some rest, I'll check on you later."

Xishaal merely shook her head and resigned herself to getting some more rest. "Very well Doctor,......I will,...relax for now!" she said as she closed her eyes and let sleep claim her once more.


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