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Greetings in the Graveyard

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2011 @ 10:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Bridge, Deck 1, USS Arizona
Timeline: Hours after 'Not your Ordinary...'

Aral Aix exited the turbo lift and found himself stood at the rear of a quiet bridge. He was down as Officer of the Deck for the mid-watch, or graveyard shift as it was commonly dubbed. As he rounded the Science Console he was yet to sit at he found Lieutenant Lischka sat in the centre seat. Arral approached. "Sir. I relieve you."

He had not seen the Xylia since their return to the Arizona a couple of days previously. Aral was glad to be able to take refuge in the formalities of the bridge. He was not one for formalities generally, but those of the watch were deeply ingrained in every officer and they presented a way around the sense of awkwardness that grew within him with every step.

Lieutenant Lischka glanced up as Aral entered the Bridge, taking note he was relieving the officer settled at the Science Console. She wondered if he was going to behave awkwardly around her now.. Her first guess would be an affirmative. Taking a deep breath, she leaned back in her chair and spoke. "You get chosen for late shift, too?"

"Yes..." replied Aral, "... must be what happens round here when you end up in the Commodore's good books." Lischka's ease seemed to cut through whatever awkward cloud hung over them. She slid into the Executive Officer's seat, vacating the centre seat for Aral. This was either coincidence or whoever prepared the watch schedule had a sense of humour. Then again, Aral was certain the watch schedule was one of those paperwork matters the Commodore had delegated him yesterday. "How've you been?" He smiled.

If Xylia knew his current thoughts, she would bet on someone having a sense of humor. That, or Aral just missed her, which actually caused her to smile. "I've been just fine. I went to see Xishaal in Medical. She's doing well. Talked to Lukas a little bit and made him feel a little better, and I got a promotion. The Commodore let me head up Security." She took a deep breath and looked back in his direction. "How about you? How have you been?"

Aral noticed her German accent had receded since their drunken evening. He shrugged, "The same actually..." noticing the crease emerge in Xylia's forehead he explained "you're talking to the new Second Officer." he explained. "And I had a look round the ship..." He recalled his reunion with Torrna and encounter with the Colonel in the Harponics Bay. "Congratulations on the promotion. I'm sure you'll protect us all." Aral settled into the command chair with great theatrics, exploring how the armrests felt.

"Thank you, and congratulations to you as well." Lischka was more relaxed now than she had been in a while, and part of that was in part to him. "I heard the Colonel got a promotion herself, which is how I came to be in my position. The Commodore has had to shuffle around crew a bit lately. It's got to get a little tedious at times, but that's what happens when you're in Command."

"Eh," replied Aral, "the old bastard probably just wants to keep us on our toes... I don't think he's bothered to learn my name yet." Aral spoke in soft, conspiratorial tones.

"He doesn't use a lot of peoples names, though. I think I'm one of the few he actually calls by name. Then again, other than the nicknames I got in the Academy, I don't see what anyone could call me."

"I can think of a few..." However, before he could finish his sentence, Commander Aix was interrupted by the swoosh of turbolift doors behind him. He raised a conspiratorial eyebrow at Xylia and refusing to turn around waited for the newcomer to make their arrival known.

"You can, hm? I'm pretty intrigued now. Do tell." Xylia blinked and turned her attention toward the door. Like Aix, she waited to see who was going to appear.

"Maybe later." Replied Aral with a wink.

"You do realize I'm going to hold you to that, right?" Xylia said, noting the wink. She gave him a smile, then looked toward the door. Xishaal figured out that there was something going on there, and it would only be a matter of time before others did as well.

The new comer was momentarily hidden from view and Aral shifted in his chair, moving his mouth close to Xylia's ear, his hand brushed hers for a moment as he moved, he whispered. "I do hope so."

With her recent arrival amid the... incident with the Archadians, Alexis had yet to find herself adhering to any sort of normal work schedule. Her specific purpose aboard the Arizona was still in a limbo of sorts, but that didn't really bother Alexis at all... she was just glad to be where she wanted to be: out with the fleet.

Passing by a pair of ranking officers speaking in conspiratorial tones, Alexis maintained a respectful distance so as not to appear overly intrusive. She casually waved her hand in greeting, trying not to come to conclusions... as the bits of conversation she'd picked up left much to the imagination. Going through the formalities, Alexis relieved the tired helm officer and took his seat front and center.

The new arrival on the bridge distracted the Chief Science Officer. He briefly made an attempt at decorum but sharply abandoned it. Xylia held no pretensions and the bridge was otherwise empty now. He relaxed back in the chair, still leaning towards Xylia, "Hello... Lieutenant, I don't believe we've met." His voice was loud but not unfriendly.

Alexis' eyes rolled heavenward for a moment as she sat facing forward. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. She swiveled her chair a bit, twisting her head and shoulders the rest of the way. "Hello sir, ma'am." She nodded respectfully, and dared a small smile. "I'm Alexis Sylvari." FNG She kept the last part to herself.

"I'm Aral Aix, Chief Science Officer and this is Lieutenant Xylia Lischka, Chief of Security." Aral paused for a moment, "I'm pleased to meet you."

"Commander Aix.... Lieutenant Lischka." Alexis said the names slowly and softly, in a clear effort to commit them to memory. Speaking an important name aloud after learning it was a mnemonic device of sorts for Alexis... once she'd spoken a name in such a way, she rarely, if ever forgot it. Some people thought that was strange, and some didn't... but that didn't matter because it worked. "I'm please to meet you as well."

Though the introductions seemed to be over, Alexis wasn't the sort that was rude enough to immediately turn her attention back toward her work.... and besides, there was little to do at the moment anyway.

"How was your journey to the Delta Quadrant, or were you already stationed here?" Aral had particularly enjoyed the Solaria gateway; he had promised himself he would return to it one day in an attempt to unlock it's mysteries.

Xylia blinked out of her reverie and turned her attention to the newcomer. Perhaps it was something Aral said while he was leaning in that caused her mind to wander. She offered the new woman a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I do apologize for my momentary lapse. Welcome to the Arizona." Aral suppressed a smirk at Xylia's sudden formality and attempted a relaxed yet, professional, demeanour. He realised he probably just looked devious but neither of the women were probably paying him any attention.

Lischka cast a glance at Aix out the corner of her eye. He assumed she wasn't paying any attention to him, but when he was leaning in toward her like he was, she found herself able to do anything but notice him. It was a safe bet people would figure out that there was something going on there. No one on board this vessel was stupid. Frankly, she didn't much care what anyone else thought, either. The ship was quiet for the time being, most normal people tucked away in their beds while the three of them on the Bridge kept watch. At least the night would prove to be eventful. "So, Lieutenant Sylvari, a few of the women are going to be getting together for some drinks in the near future, and I'm extending you an invite. When exactly, I'll let you know. We want to make the men worry." She cast a glance at Aral and gave him a smile, then looked back to the new CONN Officer.

Following his lunch with Maylia, Aral knew very well what Xylia was referring to. He stirred in his seat, moving away from the Chief of Security. "Why would we worry? The Commodore and I have started a male only synchronised swimming team." A sly smile crossed his face.

Seeing the not-so-subtle underpinnings of a normal heterosexual relationship caused a slurry of negative feelings to steep in through the cracks of Alexis' soul. She liked the pair, and thought they looked good together, but couldn't help but be reminded of a certain something that now seemed far more complicated than it was worth. Keeping her expression calm, she considered Lischka's invitation with the inner-seriousness of a secret agent preparing to infiltrate a hostile environment; Alexis thought she did a pretty good job keeping her thoughts from showing.

Alexis arched an eyebrow with genuine curiosity. "Well... hopefully I can make it." She replied, thinking. If I get a few drinks in me, not just the men are gonna be worried... I'm so screwed.


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