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Secret Meetings

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2011 @ 1:49pm by Adam Parker & Rh'sul i'Kihai

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Colonial Administration Building, Braken Colony
Timeline: After 'Five Years'

Mr. Adam Parker sat in the desk that had only been his for a short time, toiling the day away with paperwork. He loved his job, more so because it was something he hadn't truly expected he would ever get in his lifetime. It did, however, come with the unfortunate headache of having to sift through mountains of paperwork.

"Adam!" the voice of his secretary, Julia Keller, called out in a panic as she rushed into his office.

"What is it?" Parker asked, worry easily visible on his face.

"That... that woman... your Romulan friend... I saw her today. She saw those Starfleet Officers here. She almost killed me thinking we brought them here," Julia explained in between breaths.

Adam raised an eyebrow at this. He hadn't seen much of Rh'sul in the last few months, an odd turn of events give the amount of time she used to spend in his office currying favors and the like. And the fact that Julia wasn't dead was even more bizarre. As much as he cared for the woman, he had always known in the back of his mind being their go-between was dangerous. Now all of a sudden the paradigm had shifted... But why?

"Calm down... Did she mention anything to you? Some plans that Starfleet might interfere with?" Adam asked.

"Something about a meeting... she didn't go into much detail. I was more afraid of what she might do to me at the time... I'm sorry..."

Adam got up and rounded the desk, gathering the woman up in a comforting embrace, "It's fine, Julia... everything is alright. Why don't you take the rest of the day off... get yourself together. I'm sure this will all blow over in the morning."

The woman let him hold her for a few moments before pulling away and nodding at his suggestion, "I'd like that. Thank you..."

"Of course," he grinned, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He couldn't help but feel like he was lying to her as he said that. Perhaps Rh'sul was just playing with the girl, or, if her meeting is indeed interrupted by Starfleet's presence, she will go back and hunt the woman down. Either way, he didn't feel the least bit confident that she was going to be back tomorrow...

Location: Brakken Colony, 2000

Rh'sul sat on the ground on the side of the small coffee shop/bar, her eyes fixed on the dent in the ground where she'd flung the young pretty human. Rh'sul flexed her wrists, her joints suddenly very sore. The headache returned as well and Rh'sul noticed her balance was off too.

"Why didn't I kill that stupid girl...?" Rh'sul groaned to herself, knowing by morning an entire Brakken government would know about her presence planet-side. Oh well, at least she already had the meeting where she exchanged her technology that would also be her downfall, her final 'screw you' to the Tal'Shiar.

Location: Pickup Site outside of Brakken Colony Perimeter, 0100

Rh'sul struggled through the thick underbrush and unpaved trail that led to her small transport pickup site. She had struck a deal with a local trader a month prior to pick her up at this very site with no questions- at a price, of course. It had been the final detail of her vengeance plan. The plan that had taken over five years to formulate.

Darkness fell across the Brakken sky, struck by energetic particles that charged the plasma in the upper magnetosphere. A rather beautiful array of purple and deep blue danced across the sky's horizon. Rh'sul quietly watched the magnificent display of energy, forgetting for a second that the shower of ions would create an annoying de-orbit for her small transport.

Rh'sul wasn't fearful of the night. Rather, she welcomed its embrace. It covered her in a sheen of invisibility that shielded her from prying eyes and allowed her to perform her dark business. After all, killing was always easier in the dark.

Rh'sul leaned against a large rock, her back to the colony. Out here, no one in the colony would notice the small vessel's approach. She was at least 1 km away from the farthest perimeter of the colony and the colony slept well, most of its inhabitants sick.

Two hours came and went. The ion shower in the sky ceased as the night progressed, the natural rotation of the planet setting the storm out of sight. Rh'sul grew irritated by every 15 minutes that went by without the transport arriving. Had the trader been scared away by Starfleet?

Rh'sul's eyes narrowed, her irritation growing into hatred. She flexed her hands again, the pain in her wrists growing worse. Rh'sul grabbed the black duffle and began the long trek back to the colony. It was time to call in a favor.


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