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Lasting Impressions

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2011 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deck 7 - Security Offices
Timeline: Before 'Brawn + Brains = Goal'

Lieutenant JG Xylia Lischka watched as Lieutenant Roberts walked from the Security offices, then turned her attention back to the Major with a smirk. The redhead was her superior, and she definitely was the respectful sort, but this... this was just far too good to pass up. She leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet up on her desk. "Well, that certainly was an interesting encounter. Do I, perhaps, sense a little future rendezvous there?"

"It is a possibility," Stace affirmed with a pondering look upon her face. "I have a strange feeling about that one. Seems a bit off his rocker if you follow my drift..."

"These days, a lot of people seem to be off their rocker, but that just means we should have someone keep a close eye on him. I, of course, volunteer you for that task." Xylia stated as she got to her feet, making her way over to the replicator for a much needed cup of coffee. "But, if you don't want to take it on, I'll be happy to."

The Major raised an eyebrow at the statement and found herself contemplating it. "Would you now? In a professional manner or a more recreational... hiding amongst the bushes one?"

The Lieutenant JG settled back down behind her desk and took a sip of the steaming brew in her hand. "Well, I've never really been one for hiding in the bushes so to speak, but if you wanted him watched, I would take the job on. Personally... " She eyed her superior. "if you have a strange feeling about him, something should be done about it before anything can come to a head. Right?"

"I just found him a bit attractive... in a clumsy might get himself killed sort of way," Stace admitted as she kicked her own feet up on her desk. "I mean, it is my job to consider the welfare of the crew."

"Then by all means, Major, it should be you who keeps said eye on dear, Lieutenant Roberts. I certainly don't think he would mind that in the least." The brunette woman stated.

Stace smirked at the idea of stalking the man for a while just to see how he would react... but eventually reality soon sat in. "Perhaps I will get around to it... once things have calmed down around here. In the meantime, we have a bit of a crisis on our hands. The planet is a dire need of a serious makeover. Have you decided whether or not you're going to partake in the away mission?"

"If I'm absolutely needed, I'll go, but I was thinking of passing this one off to Mr. Ruiz." Xylia stated, kicking back in her chair while she sipped her coffee. "Are you going?"

"I don't believe so," the Major replied. "The ship is going to be departing soon in order to track down our thieves and I suspect I'll be needed more here... however, I still have to send a minor detachment to the surface in order to take care of things there. I suppose if Mr. Ruiz does not wish to take part below either I will have to make some sort of arrangement with our other officers."

"Technically speaking, neither of us has a choice if you wish for us to go. If Petty Officer Ruiz wants to pass, then I won't have any choice but to go. It is what our department does. The prospect of chasing down the thieves has a certain appeal to it. Who goes where is entirely your decision."

Stace nodded as she glanced over towards the chronometer. "Well, I suppose I should go collect our new science officer and send him on a mission. I'll also talk to Ru and see how he feels about things. Think you'll be able to keep yourself busy for a while?"

Xylia finished off her coffee and tossed her cup in the trash with a nod. "I'm fairly certain I can find something to keep myself occupied with for the time being. As soon as I'm off duty, I plan to hit the gym. I'm extending your official invite."

"Sounds good. I need to warm up for the impending... whatever," the red head retorted. "Never hurts to be prepared. It's a motto I heard somewhere... I think. At any rate, I'll get with you in a bit and let you know where we stand. Try not to mess the place up while I'm gone."

"I can't make any promises, but I will try not to." Out of respect, she rose to her feet until the Major walked out.

The older woman smirked again as she made her way towards the door. "Til later..."

And soon Xylia was all alone.


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