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Brawn + Brains = Goal

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2011 @ 7:25am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deck 8 - Science Labs
Timeline: Following 'When Departments Collide'

Having finished her business within the security offices for the time being, Stace S. DeVries decided to return to her original task... that of finding a suitable escort for the Romulan scientist S'anra so they could get her off the ship and onto the planet. For what, the Major wasn't too sure of... but that wasn't really her concern. However, what was her concern was keeping everyone and those supplies safe from whatever potential crazies lurked down below... and fortunately for her the recent updated crew manifest listed a fellow scientist amongst them... one of the more StarFleet variety. She was just hoping this avenue would not end in vain.

Entering between the doors that opened into the main area of the science labs, the Major took a quick look around and found the room fairly empty save for a couple people who seemed to be in deep conversation with each other.

"Am I interrupting anything here?" she questioned with a curious glare.

"No, Ma'am, we were preparing the lab. Lieutenant junior grade Thomas Beliard at your service," Thomas said as he tried his best to straighten his uniform for the Major. He tried to remember what she did, and it came to him like a bolt of lightning.

"What can I do for the security department Major?" he said as he waved for his colleagues to keep working. He was both nervous and excited. Perhaps she knew who his new science chief would be.

Stace smiled in acknowledgment of the staff before settling her eyes back at the man in front of her. "As you may or may not be aware... we are currently experiencing a rather... nasty situation on the planet below... and it seems we might be in need of your service if you are not too busy here to consider loaning it to us."

"Not at all Ma'am. Please step into the chiefs office and we can discuss the issue," Thomas said as he pointed to the office that was currently vacant. He knew something was not right about the situation, but wasn't able to nail it down.

"Nico, Floyd, please continue to get the lab ready for use. If you could, please get the medical lab tied into our systems. I noticed, several other labs are not able to access our facilities," Thomas said as he lead the Major to the chiefs office.

Though she personally had never been too much of a science fanatic, the fact that her oldest daughter was a scientist had led her to a more... tolerable understanding of the way the logical mind would sometimes work. Following the man into what she could only surmise an office that would soon perhaps belong to their mysterious friend, Stace took a few minutes to work this Thomas Beliard over.

"You certainly seem capable enough," Stace commented the moment they were both inside. "The truth of the matter is simply this... during our search and rescue mission we came across a Romulan scientist who was responsible for overseeing the medical supplies that were unfortunately stolen. We have since brought her aboard this vessel in an effort to conclude our dilemma and though we do not have any outward concerns in regards to her... shall I say... affiliation to certain organizations... considering the events that had taken place we can't be too sure. It was the Captain's wish to send a security escort along with her to the planet to make sure nothing goes helter skelter... but on further review I felt perhaps a science officer with shall I say... loyalty to our side... might also be warranted just to make sure nothing is misconstrued. Think you could handle something like this?"

Thomas thought about the request a moment before replying. This Romulan might have valuable insight into the happenings of this current situation. Still, she was a Romulan. The lowest among them was about as sneaky and trustworthy as your best Starfleet intel officer. But, in situations such as what the crew had found themselves in, any help was better than no help.

"Ma'am, I concur with your assessment of the situation. Though some security is warranted, I think she may feel more at ease with a fellow 'egghead' looking over her shoulder rather than a uniform with a gun. No matter how this pans out, if she is at ease, she can either help us resolve the issue, or she may slip and let on to her involvement, if she has any," Thomas said with a smirk. He was genuinely take aback that the Chief of Security had thought of him. He was also pleased that he would be able to gather information about this 'plague' on Brakken first hand.

"Where should I expect to find this 'ambassador'?" he asked as he looked back up at the Major.

The woman paused for a second as if to reasonably deduct where the other woman might be at such a time and place. "I would assume at this hour she would probably still be within her guest quarters awaiting for her escort. I would suggest trying to find her there. Also, just as a precaution I will still be sending one of my own team down to just keep an eye on things. Do you have any questions?"

"Just one. What is this woman's name?" Thomas asked as he and the Major walked back into the lab proper.

"S'anra," Stace replied with a raised brow. "Kinda rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?"

"It does indeed. I can only hope she is as easy to deal with as her name is to say. Nico, you have the lab. I will be bringing our 'mission specialist' here shortly." He then turned back to the Major. "Was there anything else you needed of me, Ma'am?"

She thought the question over for a moment before shaking her head. "Nope... I think that just about does it for now Lieutenant. I appreciate your cooperation... and I have no doubt we will be crossing paths once more. Good luck."

Making her way back towards the door, Stace only paused long enough to issue a wave in the general direction of the other scientists before stepping out into the corridor. Double checking her mental list of things to accomplish today she realized she still had a few more to cross off the list. And so the process begins.


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