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A Meeting of the Glasses

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2011 @ 5:24pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Crew Lounge, Deck 5, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Those who stay behind... Part II'

Walking from the security offices, Lieutenant JG Lischka made her way through the corridor, nodding an acknowledgment to those she passed along the way. Right now, she was on a mission. One that might get her into trouble at some point, considering she was still on duty, but being confined in the security offices all day was a sure fire way to head straight to a case of crazy. That wasn't something that appealed to her. At all.

It didn't take her long to reach her destination.

Xylia walked into the lounge and started for the bar, stopping short when she saw the familiar red hair of the Major. With a smile she shook her head and continued on her way, taking a seat next to the other woman. And here she was... worried about getting into trouble when her superior was doing the exact same thing. "Well... well... well... Fancy meeting you here."

Lifting her head from her glass for the second time in just under an hour, Stace S. DeVries narrowed her eyes a moment to focus on the newcomer. Realizing who it was, the woman extended her hand towards the barkeep. "I just finished a meeting with the Captain actually... it seems... he had something for me to do. Is that why you're here? Did he send you to check up on me?"

"As a matter of fact... no... he didn't send me here to check up on you. I wasn't even aware he was here." Xylia stated as she settled herself down next to Stace. "I'm actually here for the same reason you are, it would seem, though it appears that you're quite a ways ahead of me. Something happen between the last time we talked and now?"

Miomar strolled into the lounge after a hot shower and a meal of oscoid and blue-leaf salad. Having the evening off from Engineering, he dressed down to a brown short sleeve shirt with his communicator over his heart and a pair of black pants. He headed toward the bar, taking note of the two Security women already seated there. Turning his attention to the bartender, he ordered a triple chocolate shake as he took a seat, indulging a little before his planned game of handball later.

Xylia stiffened the moment she felt eyes on her. Turning her head, she looked to the man with the black eyes and blinked once. She nudged Stace with her elbow hoping the Major was sober enough to recognize there was another patron at the bar. Hell, she knew the red head would be. She wasn't dancing on tables yet, but given time, it was bound to happen. For a moment, she wondered if she had time to run back to her quarters to grab her camera, but then thought better of it.

Shaking that particular image from her mind, she focused back on the man who joined them. She couldn't recall meeting him yet, but then again, there were a lot of people on board that she hadn't had the chance to introduce herself to just yet. Most of her acquaintances came from the Security department. Damn it if she didn't need to get out more.

Miomar gave a nod to the women and turned his attention to his shake, savoring the rich flavor of it. His thoughts went back to Engineering and he tried to think about it from a different angle. It was his main interest, but it was starting to become more of a home to him than his own room on the Arizona. Momentarily, he thought of Betazed and longed for home. Shaking off his nostalgia, he turned and gave a smile to Lt. Lischka and hefted his shake in greeting. She was attractive, he thought, careful to keep that thought in his head and making sure that he wasn't projecting his empathy. A shiver seized his spine as he remembered the time that he had Zanthi fever on Betazed and his empathy had gone out of control. He turned his attention back to the bar, hoping that she didn't think that he was shivering because of her appearance or the condition of Major DeVries next to her.

Shaking off the nudge of the other woman, Stace turned her head and furthermore her attention towards the newcomer who had just joined them. Giving him a quick glance over she determined from his facial features that he resembled one of the engineers whose personnel file she had reviewed at the earlier request of the Captain. The name though had far slipped her mind.

"Afternoon... evening... not sure," Stace greeted the man. "Lieutenant...? Sorry, I don't recall the name at the moment. It's been a rough few hours. Nevertheless, welcome to the lounge."

"Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr, Major," he introduced himself. "Engineering. I know what you mean, it's been hectic down in Engineering as well." He smiled at the two of them and took another sip of his shake. "Can I get you ladies anything?"

"No, but thank you for offering," Xylia spoke, a slight German accent to her words. "I'm Lieutenant JG Xylia Lischka, and of course, as you mentioned, this is Major Anastasia DeVries."

Stace nodded at the mention of her name and looked down into the nearly empty contents of her glass. "I too thank you for the offer... but I suppose after all these drinks I should get back to some actual work. I assume you are aware of the situation and our upcoming departure?"

"Yes, Major. I'm due to report back to duty at 1900 hours." He finished his shake and placed the empty mug on the counter. "Everything is looking top shape. Lieutenant Rixx, I'm sure, has a ton of work lined up for me." He checks the chronometer and sighs. "Well, that's it for me, ladies. I have to head back to the Pit. Enjoy and a pleasure meeting you, Lieutenant Lischka, Major DeVries." Getting up, he headed back to his quarters to change once more.

"Are you ready to head back to the offices now? I'm known to replicate a mean cup of coffee." The Lieutenant asked, leaning against the counter so she could keep her attention on Stace. "And since when did Star Fleet focus on eye candy? Lieutenant Barr... Lieutenant Roberts..."

Stace smirked at the mental image. "Well... I suppose they have to keep us busy while we're out here in the great deep beyond. Always time for play later!"

Xylia grinned and gestured for the bartender to bring a cup of coffee to Stace. "There is definitely that, but now the question is... which one tickles your fancy?"

"I haven't given it much thought..." Stace replied slowly. "I swore relationships off for a while... but you never know. At any rate... I'm sending Ru to the planet with a small contingent... I'm keeping you onboard... unless you wish to object?"

"No objections here." The Lieutenant turned on her stool and settled her elbows against the bar. "Let's get that coffee into you and go get some work done. Perhaps you can start familiarizing me with the rest of the crew in the event I have to act as Chief if you're unavailable."

Stace crinkled her nose at the mention of coffee. "You go on ahead... I'll catch up. I just need a minute to clear my head."

With a nod Xylia was gone.


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