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Departure Briefing

Posted on Fri Feb 4th, 2011 @ 9:42am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Darek Halsey & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA) & Lieutenant Serran

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Conference Room, USS Arizona
Timeline: The morning after 'Handling Business, Bruce Lee style'

Captain Nathan Cowell had called a morning staff meeting, though some of the participants of this particular staff meeting were not the department heads but rather the assistants who would be apart of the team going to the Gamma Daranus System where the pirates were most likely either headed to or have already gone to and dropped off their cargo. Nathan had called for the meeting from the Conference Room, making him the first person to arrive. From his position at the head of the table, he had the perfect vantage point to see everyone filter in.

Having received the call whilst on route to the bridge, Stace S. DeVries wasted no time in ushering herself through the conference room doors to greet... the Captain. "You're it? I thought this was suppose to be some sort of party... er... meeting whatever." She nevertheless nodded in further greeting before taking up the nearest chair and making herself comfortable. "Suppose we just wait."

"Yes, so far..." Nathan shrugged, "I suppose they just haven't had their morning coffee."

Serran had been dispatched to the conference room by Lieutenant Valdor, the CMO, for a mission briefing. The Vulcan had considered, briefly, asking his department head why the assistant was being sent for a staff meeting but decided he would learn everything he needed to upon attending. Serran was still going through a small...adjustment period, for lack of a better term, in regards to being on the USS Arizona. It had only been recently that he had been, seemingly, unceremoniously transferred away from DS14 to this starship. The biggest difference, aside from not being a starbase that is, was that Serran could no longer have his wife and child with for the duration of his assignment.

His thoughts were still on the recent changes in his life when the Vulcan ACMO entered the conference room. Serran nodded to both the Captain and the Chief of Security before taking a seat farthest from the pair.

"Greetings," was all Serran said. Then, folding his hands together on the table before him, patiently waited for the others to arrive.

"Oh no you don't, Lieutenant..." Nathan frowned, "This isn't kindergarten, you bring your point eared ass up front like a big boy."

Serran blinked at the Captain's comment. It had been...unexpected, to say the least. The Vulcan raised an eyebrow, processing the meaning behind the message.

"As I am sure you are no doubt aware, Captain," Serran began, "Vulcan...asses, as you so crudely put not have pointy ears. However, I do gather you intend for me to not...separate myself from the group and to assume an inclusive position. I will comply, of course. I should point out that my choice of position was one of...habit...rather than a desire to maintain a certain physical distance from others."

"Yeah yeah... make excuses while you move your ass, not before. And I wasn't saying your ass had ears, I was saying that you, with the pointed ears, should move the ass that was in that far away seat up closer. Have you really spent this much time around humanity and still don't know how to sift through the jargon? Do you want me to write you a lexicon? It's not like I don't have time, what with people dragging ass and playing kindergarten games..." Cowell explained in a huff.

"Fascinating," was all Serran uttered as he moved to a different seat, suddenly curious about the person who was his captain.

Xishaal left her position at the CONN and entered the briefing room just behind the Vulcan, centuries of conflict between Andoria and Vulcan did not diminish so easily and old prejudices did not simply disappear simply because they wore the same uniform. Xishaal had learned to never turn her back on a Vulcan.

Entering the room she locked eyes with the Captain "...Captain Cowell" was all the acknowledgment she would give at the moment, taking her seat as far away from the Vulcan as possible she nodded the other Officer assembled already. "Ahh, Major Devries, Mr. Morgan has advised that you and your Second are doing quite well with the MVAM training program! He has commented greatly on Miss Lischka's...natural piloting skills..."

As Lt Rixx enters the room, after an eventful nights worth of training, the bags under the Chief Engineer's eyes are prevalent, although they are really Rixx' way of making it seem like he does a lot of work, and gets little sleep, he did indeed get a full 10 hours of uninterrupted rest the night before, the ruthless operator that Rixx was made him act as if he were at a disadvantage to those around him, in the hopes that most, if not all of the other officers on the Arizona would fully lower their guard, and allow him insight he would not otherwise obtain. Rixx nodded to the ol' Man as he entered the ready room, and grabbed the nearest empty seat, "I see we have most of the crew here, Grumpy, Bashful, Snow White, and Doc... 4 out of 8. Excellent."

"Wrong nicknames, there, Stretch. Now catch a seat and try not to scare the children with your shenanigans, will you?" Cowell countered.

Stepping from the turbolift Darek took a quick left and entered the briefing room; catching the Captain's eye he gave him a quick nod and stepped up to the replicator, "Black coffee." He said quickly looking back over his shoulder, "Any one want something?" He inquired as his own drink materialized in side the replicator.

"No," Cowell said before taking account of who was and who wasn't in the meeting so far. He was satisfied that most of the departments had arrived, even if the Operations Department had yet to put in an appearance. Being less than patient, Captain Cowell decided not to bother waiting for whomever was supposed to be taking Lt. Roberts' place as he could always brief Marion on any duties that might crop up out of their discussion.

"Alright people, having been given some interesting information from both Security and Intelligence, I've come to the conclusion that the quote end quote independently operated orbital facility in the Gamma Daranus System is the most likely place for our pirate friends to have gone with the goods. It's as close to the Neutral Zone as you're going to get without being in it and because the Federation doesn't have a claim to the system thanks to its lack of material worth, Starfleet patrols in the area are next to nil. This means, if nothing else, the chances of the cargo getting there unmolested is fairly good. It's also probable that we'll get most of it back without too much hassle if we hurry," Doc explained as he looked each officer in the eyes in turn.

"What I need to know from all of you is how your departments stand as far as readiness is concerned. I know Engineering and Security have been working on something, but I haven't heard an update on that. I also need to know where the rest of you stand manning and readiness wise. I hate to have to run silly little drills but if you people don't think you're up to par, we might have to..." Nathan said.

"CONN, is at 100 percent readiness captain!" Xishaal announced before anyone else could respond, "Mr. Morgan has completed cross training with Maj. DeVries and her assistant on the Multi-Vector Assault Mode operations, and general flight operations as well! Unfortunately, not all of the away team members completed the Shuttle Operations Course to my expectations! Mr. Morgan has volunteered to stay behind, and I believe that his secondary skills will be beneficial to the mission."

Stretching her arms above her head and taking this opportunity to size up most of the individuals in the room, Stace issued a small smirk in the direction of Lieutenant Rixx before directing her attention back towards the Captain. "Both Engineering and Security have completed a multitude of tests on weaponry and related functions. I believe it's safe in saying we've given our men a run for their money. They will perform beyond expectations."

"Excellent, on both fronts," Nathan said while he turned to his Andorian CONN officer, "If you want to leave Moron or Megan... whatever his name is behind, do so. Since we don't have shuttles on the ship, there's no real point to having the pilots aboard."

Cowell then turned his attention to the Medical Officer, "Well, Mister Pointy Ears who didn't bother to introduce himself, how about medical? Since you've had to cut your department down the middle and your boss will be on the ground, do you foresee any issues?"

"Though our numbers are reduced," Serran reported, "the medical department is prepared to meet the needs of the crew, Captain. However it would be beneficial for all if any personnel from other departments with even a modicum of medical training were to be alerted to their possible...recruitment. Should the need arise."

"I'll keep my schedule clear then," Doc Cowell said with a slight smirk, "I'm sure these fine people will pass along the word to their various departments."

He turned to his Intelligence Chief, "As for you, you'll be riding shotgun on this one. With the boy gone, I'm going to need a First Officer, and you're the second best one I've got. Plan your day accordingly."

Before Lt. Cmdr. Halsey had time to thanks him, curse him, or question it, Cowell continued, "We'll be departing the planet in one hours time. Make your preparations and be at your stations by then. I have nothing else for you, people... Make it happen."

Nathan was the first one to rise, and disappeared without so much as another word to anyone, leaving the crew to do what they needed to do.


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