Welcome to the USS Arizona.

The USS Arizona, a Sovereign-class vessel and the second to bear the name, is charged with the mission of both exploration and defense. Her crew, a haphazard assortment of personalities and backgrounds united together under the banner of one of the most eccentric and utterly chaotic commanders in Starfleet history. Put them together and you find yourself among some of the most exciting happenings in the 24th century.

The Arizona was a member of Bravo Fleet and was, since her humble beginning in December of 2010, a fixture in the community in which she belonged. In her second incarnation, the USS Arizona was converted into a canon fiction simulation, seeking to write the stories that form a backdrop for events pointed to in Trek canon, and others of our own design.

In her latest incarnation, the USS Arizona was reborn as a tribute to the late Lyn M. Mosher, wife of the game's creator and the last serving Executive Officer prior to the game's closure at the end of February 2012. Though many people have come and gone from the corridors of this fine ship, none of them have been forgotten, nor shall they ever be.

We invite you to lurk, read, and perhaps one day become apart of the legacy that is the Arizona.

With kind regards,

Captain Nathan Cowell, MD
USS Arizona, Commanding

Latest News Items

» Admiralty Unit Citation

Posted on Tue Oct 4th, 2011 @ 3:36am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD in Commendations

Greetings all,

As of today, 4 October 2011, the USS Arizona has been awarded the Bravo Fleet Admiralty Unit Citation. What this means, basically, is that the powers that be (excluding myself because I wasn't aware we'd been nominated until the vote suddenly cropped up) have selected our great simulation for this award because of the outstanding performance that each member of this simulation puts forth in the portrayal of their characters and the execution of our stories. You all set the standard for the rest of the Fleet to follow, and as such it is just as much your award as it is mine.

So, congratulations to each of you, and to the Arizona as a whole. Keep up the good work!

-The Curmudgeon

» A few things

Posted on Tue Aug 16th, 2011 @ 7:20pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries in Out of Character

greetings everyone,

i'd like to take a few minutes to say a few things before we get into the 'meat and potatoes' of our current mission. first and foremost i would like to apologize for my silence in the last few weeks. for those unaware of the happenings of my life, i've been dealing with a number of personal issues that have left me in a rather depressive state and thus not really active in anything outside of work. to those who have been inquired about my absence and have just generally been supportive, i appreciate your thoughts and concerns. and though i am no where near 100% in terms of mental stability i believe i am well enough to return to active simming.

secondly, i'd like to thank those who have continued on with the mission despite these abrupt 'pauses'. it is no lie when i tell you that the arizona is one of the best sims in this fleet for the very reason that you all make it that way. i hope that you all continue to bless us with your greatness.

thirdly, with the away mission currently taking place i will be hosting afternoon tea for those of you remaining aboard! anyone who wishes to participate please let me know... and as always to anyone who i've yet had the pleasure of posting with my proverbial door is usually open.

warm regards,

» Joint Posts!

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2011 @ 3:26pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Julia Neral in Out of Character

I'd love to do JPs as backposts with anyone Julia hasn't met yet. I'd also like to do JPs with any NPCs you may want to write for as Julia gets to know the enlisted crew.

Hit me up! (or I'll catch you once I get an idea for something)



» New Player

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2011 @ 11:19am by Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix in Sim Announcement

Hi All

Please join me in welcoming Travis aboard, he will be playing ENS Nathan Davis, our newest engineer. We can expect him to arrive aboard the Arizona via a backpost this week. Let's make him feel welcome!

- Spots

» Player Resignation

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2011 @ 8:44am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD in Sim Announcement

As of this message, Lt. Sylvari has decided to leave us. While the character hasn't been with us long, both her and the player have made an impact. It is hoped that they will return to us, either as Sylvari or another character later. We wish Luke luck!

-The Curmudgeon

Latest Mission Posts

» Departing for adventure?

Mission: Funzone
Posted on Wed Feb 13th, 2013 @ 12:28pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Mantell & Ensign Soraya Xel

Slipping through folds of space as effortlessly as its occupants took in air, the Sovereign class USS Arizona hummed gently to the rhythm of Warp 7. On the bridge of the starship, the large viewscreen in front illustrated the ship's speed with the trailing lights of the hundreds of stars…

» What shall we do on Leave?

Mission: Funzone
Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2013 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Tre Boid & Senior Chief Petty Officer Cory Pomerantz

Tre was not looking forward to having a discussion with Cory about what they were going to be doing on "shore leave", but like most bad news, it was better to get it over with sooner rather than later. So, following his conversation with Three of Seven, Tre headed to…

» On His President's Secret Service

Mission: Funzone
Posted on Sun Jan 20th, 2013 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant Three of Seven & Lieutenant Tre Boid

The drone continued his task of recruiting an away team that would be capable of efficiently executing the covert orders that Three had been given, a task which set the ship's Betazoid counselor at the top of the list of individuals that the Borg wanted on that team... and also…

» Meeting the Boss

Mission: Funzone
Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2013 @ 5:35pm by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion & Ensign Soraya Xel

Soraya surveyed the bridge, as she stepped onto it for the first time. The Captain's chair sat empty, Lieutenants Marion and Akron were manning the front stations, and it looked like a petty officer was manning security. Currently, the roster had no Chief Operations Officer, which made Lieutenant Marion her…

» Quantum of Soaking

Mission: Funzone
Posted on Sun Jan 6th, 2013 @ 8:49pm by Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Mantell & Lieutenant Three of Seven

One benefit to being a department chief was that anyone else in the department could be called on as relief at any time. By 1000 hours, Jack was feeling the effects of being called up to the bridge at such an early hour creeping up on him. Calling on Ensign…

Latest Personal Logs

» New Description: New Diggs

Posted on Wed Dec 14th, 2011 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

It had taken very little time to get back into my normal routine since my arrival back on Earth. Having been the Prometheus class Arizona's first Chief Conn Officer, it's Chief of Operations and now Deputy of Security and Tactical officer. Though the tittles may have changed, what is expected…

» Log 3

Posted on Tue Aug 2nd, 2011 @ 8:49am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

What the fuck?! We have been....I can't even describe what we have been....it's out of our control and I DO NOT LIKE IT! I've just been at the Senior Staff meeting and found out..well squat. Excellent......I think the computer can sense the sacrasm dripping off of me…

» Log 2

Posted on Sun Jul 10th, 2011 @ 6:50am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

Torrna Maliya, MD, personal log

*chair creaks*

Well, it seems that I've been left in charge...again. Kar'G left me a note and that was it, BAM, I'm head Doc again. Well until Lieutenant Serran arrives of course. Then I can shove this whole thing back to him…

» Log 1

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 @ 5:26am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

Doctor Torrna Maliya, Lieutenant, Ship's Surgeon, personal log:

I'm aboard finally, and it looks like I am going to be up to my elbows in work. Good, it staves off the boredom. My colleague, a Klingon with a hillarious forehead is going to be a challenge to…

» Reflections

Posted on Tue May 17th, 2011 @ 4:46pm by

Personal log, Ensign Marcus Schenk. Stardate 63855.3..

It's been a long few days and I'm not even sure if the Stardate is correct or not at this point. Ever since I got onboard the Arizona at Deepspace 10, it's been one hectic day after another - some of the events…